Page 10 of Free Fall

Not going there.

Instead, she played dumb, widening her eyes as she asked, “What are you talking about?”

Connor gave her a look that told her he saw right through her. “You’re a pain in the ass, Rave, but you’re normally not this prickly.”

“I’m not prickly—”

“You are.” A beat. “And it’s because you’re feeling insecure about someone helping you.”


She was feeling insecure abouthimhelping her.

“You’re used to taking care of yourself, but”—a smirk that was so goddamned sexy she felt it straight in her pussy—“you’re just gonna have to deal, sweetheart. We’re here. We’re helping. Stop wasting your air on protesting.”

God, could the man justgo?

She jerked her head out of his hold—and immediately regretted the action when pain radiated through her side. “Should I waste my air on telling you to leave?” she gritted out, wanting to sound far bitchier than she actually managed—which was a breathless sort of annoyance.

Andstill, there was concern in this man’s eyes. “Easy, sweetheart.”

Longing in her belly—to hear him call her that every day, to look at her like he was every day, to be hers…every day. But it couldn’t happen.

So instead, she growled, “Don’t. Call. Me. Sweetheart.”

A flash of amusement through hazel eyes. “Sure.” A beat. “See you later.” Another longer beat as he released her and stood, moved to the door. He glanced back over his shoulder, his smile sexy enough to send her pulse skittering.


That gnawing need in her belly, scoring through her insides. “I—”

He walked out.

That hurt.

And it was also exactly what she so desperately needed.



Christ, he was tired.

Twelve hours in the emergency department had his body aching, feet to shoulders to brain.

And they were down one of their best doctors.

Under a full moon no less.

Which was something that shouldn’t be a thing—that the waiting room and beds filled up when the moon was closer to earth—but it was a thing, anyway. Every nurse and doctor and tech in the emergency room knew.

A full moon meant trouble.

Heaven help the night shift.

He’d only gotten a taste of the insanity after the sun went down and darkness descended and that had been more than enough for him.

Day shift all day every day, baby.