Another breath. Another slow release. “I apologized.” She pressed her lips together then sighed. “But it doesn’t matter. It’s not enough.”
“Did you tell him all of it?”
“No,” she whispered. “He showed up at the house when I was talking to the contractor. I…um…just blurted out an apology and left it at that.”
“Honey.” Disapproval in Pat’s tone.
“What does it matter?” she asked. “I was a total bitch, many times over, and it doesn’t matter why. He didn’t deserve it.”
“Honey.”More disapproval.
“Regardlessof my reasons,” she finished.
As had often happened over the last couple of months, Auntie Pat fell silent.
Not because she didn’t have anything to say.
But because she did.
And it wasn’t something Raven wanted to hear—or, more likely, it wasn’t something that Pat thought she was ready to hear.
Before Raven could call her on it, Pat asked, “How is the house?”
Today was the first time she’d seen the inside, seen the work in person.
“It’s great,” she whispered. “It…feels like home again.”
It did.
Kind of.
Or at least that was what she was telling herself.
She’d get settled andthenit would feel like normal, and it would be home again, and she’d be all good.Everythingwould be all good.
“And when will you be able to move back in?”
Raven passed on the details.
“I’m coming out to visit as soon as you’re settled,” she commanded as Raven navigated her way into physician parking.
“That’s a deal.”
“Andthenwe’ll talk about the rest of it—and the explanation you owe that boy.”
“Threats on my first day back at work?” she asked lightly, trying to change the subject even knowing that Auntie Pat would see right through her tone.
“Yup,” Pat said without the slightest bit of remorse. “I’m making threats.”
Raven laughed. “Well, at least we’re clear?”