Victory was his—
“Then I’ll just buy dinner.”
What? No. That wasn’t—
But she turned away, and the man behind the counter approached to take their order, so he didn’t get to continue the argument.
“Can I please have the grilled cheese with the soup of the day?” A glance over her shoulder, mischief in her eyes as the man began to write her order on the pad.
Connor opened his mouth.
But she turned away again.
“And an order of sweet potato fries, please.”
It became their thing.
Or at least, it was their thing a couple of days a week—Connor buying them lunch, Raven paying for dinner.
This was mostly because Connor cooked the rest of the evenings, or they went out to eat, or they bummed a meal off one of the cooks in the family.
Plus, Sunday Dinner at the Jacksons was always a thing—a thing Raven didn’t miss, that was.
Not when it was a delicious, stick to her ribs, fill her belly to slightly-more-than-pleasantly-full meal. She always contributed—a dessert from the bakery, a bottle of wine, or now, one of Connor’s specialties, Anything Brownies. Since they were dating. Since they were spending all of their free time together.
Since they were…well,together.
Now she got the perk of a joint contribution to family dinners.
Because that was another great thing about Sunday Dinner—she got to spend time with her family, the one she’d made, the one that loved and appreciated her.
And she got brownies.
Something Raven had never allowed herself to taste before because…well, they were Connor’s and she’d been in a fucked-up place and hadn’t thought she’d deserved them and—
She repeated, she’d been in a fucked-up place.
Because, seriously, she’d been missingout.
The first time he’d made them at her place, she’d eaten nearly the entire pan (and had been so freaking sick afterward), but even with her overindulgence, they’d still become a new favorite.
Plus, Anything Brownies were easy to make, even with her limited skills in the kitchen. Mostly because they consisted of boxed brownie mix with pretty muchanythingfrom the pantry folded in.
Peanut butter? Yup.
Pretzels crushed to bits? Yup.
Potato chips? Sure.
Marshmallows? Why not?
Sugary cereal, freeze-dried raspberries, her puffed rice and dried cranberries and dark chocolate pieces? One or all or some combination of the three.