Page 6 of Free Fall

A droll look. “Do you really need me to answer that question?”

More avoidance—spiked, snarky,assholeavoidance.

He moved across the room, grabbed the remote from where he’d left it on the coffee table—something that had been pushed aside so Raven could begin her home therapies. A toss and it landed on the cushions next to her.

But she didn’t reach for it, so he took advantage, asking, “What triggered you?”

Her shoulders tensed. “Nothing.”

“So, you just kissed me for shits and giggles?”

A painful-looking shrug. “It was better than listening to you bitch at me.”

So, kissing trumped bitching. That was an interesting thought to file away.

“For a woman who was saved from certain deathtwicenow”—considering her fall off those stupid stairs would have landed her right back in the hospital—“you’re certainly ungrateful.”

“I didn’t ask for your help.” A glare. “Thenornow.”

“Or let you fall?” A beat. “You’d rather me leave you to burn?”

She shuddered, and he couldn’t blame her. How close she’d come to being gone off this planet, out of his life, not around to torture him, was something that gave him regular nightmares. The flames. Theheat. His brother unconscious. Having to choose who to take first. Who to leave behind. Carrying Raven out. Leaving Caleb. Seeing Kim and Cole on the grass, terror in their eyes, knowing he’d left behind—

Going back. Hoping he hadn’t just killed his brother…

The smoke.

The pain.

The worry.

All of it added to the bad dreams, made it so he woke frequently and walked down the hall to make sure she was okay, frequently checked in on Caleb, frequently drove by Raven’s house, half-expecting it to be ash.

“No,” she whispered after a moment. “I’m glad you didn’t leave me to burn.”

There.Progress. Thank God.

He turned toward the kitchen. “Watch your show. I’ll get you some snacks.”

A huff. “I want peanut M&Ms.”

“I’ll get you your M&Ms.” He glanced back. “But I’m getting you some vegetables too.”

She made a face but didn’t bitch. Something that was a miracle, considering she acted like she was allergic to anything green.


Because he’d certainly watched her demolish a bag of Sour Patch Kids and gummy bears and candy that was more dye than real food.

But she stayed far, far away from broccoli and spinach and brussels sprouts…

And anything good for her.

He made it into the kitchen, grabbed the giant ass bag of peanut M&Ms, and poured some into a bowl for her. He also made up a plate of carrots and pepper slices and cucumber rounds (the only vegetables he’d determined she actually ate). Of course, he added a small dish of ranch dressing in deference to her junk food obsessed nature.

