“I would love to make this work as a team. I don’t want to go through life, wondering about what-ifs. I want you.”
I cupped her face in my hands and then gently pressed a kiss to her lips. She leaned into me, and I tasted sweet victory in that little movement. Heidi was mine.
“Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention,” Jensen said from the stage. “I’m Jensen Wright, the CEO of Wright Construction, and I wanted to thank everyone for coming out tonight for our annual Charity Benefit. I hope you’re losing all of your money at the tables, so we can donate an enormous check to the Lubbock Children’s Hospital!”
The crowd laughed and cheered at his comment, raising glasses to toast the night.
“While I have your attention, I have a special announcement. Wright Construction has recently opened a new division of the company where a percentage of all proceeds will go to our partnership with Lubbock Children’s Hospital. We’ll be opening Wright Golf Club, a PGA-style golf course focused on teaching the beginner to bringing the professionals in town.”
My heart stopped beating. My jaw dropped open. Time itself stopped.
“And here to run this new division, I give you my brother Landon Wright.”
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Landon’s shock oozed out of every pore.
His family was grinning at him. They had all been in on it. Even Sutton, who was the only Wright not working for the company. And my heart went out to them all. They had seen his depression and the toll that losing golf had pressed on him. And then they had done something about it. I didn’t know how long this had been in the works, but I couldn’t be happier for him.
Landon went up onto the stage and shook hands with Jensen and Morgan. After they said a few words to each other, Landon turned on the charm as he thanked the crowd for this incredible opportunity and then said he hoped to see them all out there on the course.
Emery nudged me. “How about that?”
“Did you know?” I asked her.
“I had an idea about it, but I think it was a glimmer of an idea. I wasn’t sure, and I didn’t want to say anything if you didn’t know. Especially if Landon didn’t know.”
“I’m so happy for him. This is where his heart is. I think he eventually would have died from working in an office every day.”
“You’re probably right,” Emery agreed. “So…aren’t you glad you came?”
“Is this why you lied to me?”
“Jensen told me I had to get you here, no matter what. So, I did. And I’m so glad that I did, too.” Emery nodded her head behind me. “Speaking of.”
I turned around and came face-to-face with Jensen Wright.
“Heidi,” he said with a dimpled smile.
“Hey,” I said. “Um…sorry about that text the other day.”
“Forgiven. I probably deserved it.”
“That was a really nice thing you did for Landon.”
“He’s my brother. I love him, and I want to see him happy. I knew he’d never really be happy at Wright. He might have the business degree, but he belongs on the course. And I wanted to give him something that would actually keep him occupied until he could get back out.”
“That’s really amazing.”
“That is why I wish you had answered your phone,” he continued.
“Yeah. I…this wasn’t a good week.”
He nodded. “I imagine not. Had you answered your phone though, I would have told you about what I had in the works for Landon. I wanted it to be a surprise for him. When he told me he was dating someone, I never guessed it was you, so I ignored the problem. I deeply apologize for that error and how it resulted in you losing your job.”
“Oh, yeah…getting fired. Pretty much one of the worst days of my life.”