But Austin’s attention was on Julia. “Hey,” he said.
She glanced over at him with indifference. “What do you want?”
“Need a drink?”
“No,” she said. “I don’t have to have a drink to have fun.”
“But what does it hurt?” He tilted his head at the bar and grinned like the cocky bastard he was. “Come walk with me. We should catch up.”
“No. Not with you,” she told him. Her hands were on her hips, and she looked fierce.
I certainly wouldn’t want to mess with her. Emery pinched my arm, and I saw that she looked worried that Austin and Julia were making a scene.
“Maybe just leave her alone,” I said.
“I was simply asking her if I could get her a drink.”
“I don’t want a drink from you,” Julia said.
“Then how about a walk?”
“I don’t want to go anywhere with you either.”
“That’s not what you said last time.”
Julia’s nostrils flared. “You used me and then ignored me, Austin. You’re disgusting, and I’d rather go anywhere than be around you. You’re a user. That’s what you do.”
“Takes one to know one,” he said, his jaw clenched.
Julia slapped the shit out of Austin. His head whipped to the side, and the table we were near silenced. Everyone was staring in our direction now. But Julia didn’t seem to notice. She was shaking with anger.
“Fuck you,” she hissed.
Austin rubbed his jaw, looked back at Julia, and laughed. “However you like it, babe.”
Julia fumed and looked ready to do more than just slap him when Emery intervened and guided Julia away from Austin. But I was staring at him. He was hurt. I was shocked to see anything but the look of a drunk idiot on his face. His tone had been reactionary. He’d been offended, so he’d gone for the jugular, and when that hadn’t worked, he’d made it a joke. It was a defense mechanism.
I stepped forward and got in his face. “If you ever hurt my friend again, I will rip your balls off and put them in a blender. Are we clear?”
“Crystal,” he spat.
I stormed after Julia, but she was holed up in the restroom and wouldn’t let Emery or me near her. I knew that feeling. She probably just needed to compose herself before she could go out there again.
God, why did guys have to act like such dicks?
I was standing against the wall, sipping on another glass of champagne that a waiter had brought by, when I saw Landon break away from Austin and Patrick and aim straight toward me. It was like he had a radar to find me standing like a wallflower against the back of the room. Part of me wanted to turn tail and hide in the women’s restroom, but I didn’t. I kept my dignity.
“Hey, you showed,” he said with some surprise in his voice.
“Yeah. I, uh…was told you wouldn’t be here.”
He deflated for a second before a quick recovery. “Of course you were. That sounds right.”
He stared at me for a second too long, like he was drinking me in. I had completely forgotten about my sexy dress and high heels.
“You look incredible,” he told me.
“Thanks.” I bit my lip as I assessed him for the first time.