“Congratulations,” I growled into her ear as she came on my fingers.
I desperately wanted to take out my cock and have her against the wall. But we were out of time.
I removed my hand from her underwear, and she sagged against the wall. Her breathing was erratic, but she hastily straightened out her skirt.
“How do I look?”
“Hot as hell.”
“Landon,” she said, smacking my arm.
“Fine. You’re fine.”
“What the hell were you thinking?” She was glaring at me now.
She looked pissed as all hell even though I’d just given her a hot fucking orgasm.
“I wasn’t,” I admitted.
“Don’t fucking do that again. Maybe wait until after work next time.”
I grinned. “Sounds good. I’ll see you after work.”
She shook her head and sent one more look pointed my way—half-desire and half-anger. Then, she peeked out of the restroom and disappeared. I took a minute to steady myself against the sink. I’d been so close to fucking her right then and there on the restroom sink. And I hadn’t given two fucks.
Discretion was causing me physical pain. Fuck, Jensen and his stay away from her.
With a sigh, I ran a hand back through my hair and eased back to my desk.
I was finally getting through the rest of my emails for the morning when there was a knock at the door. I glanced up and saw Matt standing at the door. “Come on in.”
“Hey, Landon,” he said, entering the room.
“How can I help you, Matt?”
Matt’s face darkened, and he glanced away. Then, he firmly shut the door and took the seat in front of me. “I wanted to talk about the lead engineer position with you.”
“What about it?”
“I know you had some role in choosing who got the promotion. I thought our conversation regarding the position went really well.”
I leaned back in my seat and assessed him. “It did.”
“I thought so. I’m a very experienced engineer. I have all the certifications. I work on all the biggest projects. I’ve been here day in and day out, putting in the hours, making sure everything is right, and generally holding this department together.”
“Okay.” I had a feeling I knew where this was going, and I wasn’t going to like it.
This Matt guy sure thought highly of himself. In my experience, the people with the best credentials didn’t have to flaunt them.
“Then, why exactly did Heidi get the promotion over me?” He crossed his arms and waited.
“Matt, while I understand that you might be upset because you did not receive the promotion, I cannot disclose the contents of Heidi’s interview or credentials. She was the most qualified person for the job, and that was why she was chosen.”
“Sorry to say so, sir, but that seems ridiculous.”
I stood from my desk and buttoned the top button of my suit jacket. “We’re very sorry that we were unable to offer you the job, but there will be more opportunities in the future.”
Matt looked disgusted with me and then turned and walked out.