Page 95 of Deep Pockets

That I use to pretend. All of it chafes.

How dare she?

Bristol Anderson stole fifty thousand dollars from me. From my company. The money already went to her account. It wasn’t even attempted theft—she actually did it.

And after I went out of my way to be kind to her. To tell her she could get through that bullshit with her father.

After I wanted her.

I sit back and take a deep breath.

Consider my options.

Calling the police would be easy. Firing her, easier still.

But it wouldn’t be as much fun as blackmail.

Catching her red-handed is power. And I’m going to enjoy using it very much.

Chapter Six


The elevator at Summit Equity lifts off the ground floor at seven twenty-nine a.m.

That leaves me one minute to get to my desk.

Less than one minute.

Technically, we’re supposed to be here by eight thirty, but Mr. Leblanc is always early. That means I need to be here early, too.

And if I know one thing, it’s that I can’t be even ten seconds late. Not when I owe this company fifty thousand dollars. Not when I owe Mr. Leblanc fifty thousand dollars.

Being late is the perfect way to draw attention to myself. It’s bad enough that my desk is twenty feet away from his. I don’t need to be sliding home at the last second. Today of all days, I need to be on time.

The elevator doors open and I hustle off, waving to the receptionist on my way past. Her smile is pinched this morning. Something to be worried about? I don’t know, and I don’t have time to investigate.

Thinking of investigations makes me think of getting caught. It took me forever to fall asleep last night. I dreamed of arrest warrants and cops showing up at my desk. I dreamed of Mr. Leblanc’s eyes, but they weren’t disappointed. They were heated, almost like he was searching for me.

Hunting for me.

Which is not a thought I can have. Not in the office.

Especially not now.

One of my heels catches on the carpet and my ankle rolls to the side. I right myself before I can fall completely onto the floor, but ouch.

I know, I know. I shouldn’t rush. Sprinting across the office in high heels is pretty conspicuous.

This morning started out as a struggle. Mia pulled the covers over her head and refused to get out of bed. Ben was up half an hour early, but refused to get ready for school if Mia wasn’t doing it.

The whole scene put us at home with our father, which was unbearable.

He was in a fantastic mood. Whistling. Humming. Every time I threw a look at him, he laughed.

“Bristol, don’t look so sour. You’ll figure it out. It’ll be fine.”

He’s right. I’ll figure it out. God knows he’s not going to. I’ll figure out how to get the twins to school. I’ll figure out how to pay Summit back. I’ll figure out how to keep Mr. Leblanc happy, thus keeping my job, until I do.