Page 932 of Deep Pockets

“Congrats, Heidi,” Matt said. “I scheduled mine yesterday.”

I nearly turned and glared at Matt. Way to steal my thunder, dude.

“Oh my God, yes. Let’s do this.”

Julia nodded toward her office, and I followed her inside.

She shut the door and whirled on me. “Please tell me that you and Landon are not both late because you were together.”

“We’re not both late because we were together,” I told her.

“It looks bad, Heidi.”

“I know,” I admitted.

“That creep Matt is picking up on things, and I don’t want him to put the pieces together about you two. I thought you were going to be smart about this. Showing up late, missing work at the same time, hanging out in his office, going to lunch together? Heidi, come on.”

I bit my lip. I knew she was right. I knew that we were being reckless. We definitely needed to be more careful if even dummy Matt was starting to see through things.

“I got it. I got it,” I said.

Julia leaned forward, her hair swishing in front of her face. “You are a serious contender for this promotion, Heidi. I shouldn’t even freaking tell you this, but you are.”

I beamed at her, but I understood the underlying sentiment. I wouldn’t get the job if someone found out about me and Landon. I’d get fired. “I got it, Julia.”

“Good. Now that that’s over, let’s pen you in for Thursday morning at nine o’clock with Dennis.”

“Sounds good.”

“Now, what are you doing on Saturday? Because I could desperately use some shopping for the Wright Charity Benefit.”

I opened my mouth and then closed it.

Julia had only been working for Wright Construction for about a year. We had become friends almost immediately, but she knew very little about my past. She definitely didn’t know that Saturday was the anniversary of the day my dad had been thrown into prison.

“Uh…Saturday isn’t good. How about Sunday?”

She wrinkled her nose. “Trevor is dragging me to church with him and his entire family.”

“Oh, you’re meeting the family?”

“Yeah. Should be interesting. Unfortunately, they go to the same church as the Wrights.”

“That means…Austin will be there?” I guessed.

“Yeah. Dick.”

I laughed. “Okay. Not Sunday. We’ll figure it out. Still plenty of time before the Benefit.”

“True. Just let me know if you change your mind about Saturday. I could use some time with my girls!”

I nodded even though I had no intention of doing so, and I waved bye to Julia.

Landon was entering the premises when I left Julia’s office. He looked hot as fuck in crisp khaki pants and a blue blazer. It was the most him I’d seen him dress since he started working here. His khakis and polo—i.e., typical golf attire—suited him better than a suit.

He grinned at me. “Good morning.”

“You’re late, Mr. Wright.”