Page 923 of Deep Pockets

And, now, everyone in the room was getting a full view of her ass because of my goddamn mistake.

No fucking way.

My appearance was noticed before I made it all the way up to her.

“Hey, man,” the guy she was playing said to me. “What’s up?”

I ignored him as Heidi’s eyes locked on to mine.


“Time to go.”

“No way! I have, like…a whole beer here, and I’m totally slaying Tommy over here.”

I arched an eyebrow at her.

She rolled her eyes back at me. “You were busy.”

“I’m not busy anymore,” I said, my voice low and uncompromising.

“I’ll just finish this game.”


“Hey, pal, why don’t you let the lady do what she wants?” Tommy said.

“Why don’t you find another half-naked drunk girl to hit on?” I spat back at him. “I’m going to be here, taking care of this one.”

Heidi walked up to me and poked me in the chest. “I don’t need to be taken care of.”

I stepped up to meet her. “You’re right. You don’t need to be taken care of, but I am going to take care of you anyway. You can’t convince me otherwise. And, right now, I would like to put some clothes on you and get you away from every guy in this place who wants to whip his dick out right now.”

“Oh, you want to put clothes on me?” she said with another eye roll. “That’s new.”

I shrugged out of my suit coat and slung it around her shoulders.

She protested, “I’m fine!”

“We should get you home.”

“Ugh, why?”

“You have work in the morning. You’re drunk. You need to talk to me, and this isn’t helping as much as you want to believe.”

Her eyes glazed over, and she quickly glanced away from me. She was hurt. I knew that. I could see that.

“I’m staying here,” she said halfheartedly.

“Don’t make me throw you over my shoulder and carry you out of this bar.”

“You wouldn’t,” she spat. “Your back.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Watch me.”

She bit her lip, as if she had more concern for my injury than she had for trying to talk to me. I appreciated the sentiment because throwing her over my shoulder would probably be a really dumb move. But I’d do it anyway.

“Fine,” she said, throwing her pool stick onto the table and storming out before me.