Page 916 of Deep Pockets

Morgan scoffed. “She’ll sign anyway.”

“She hasn’t yet.”

“We’re not in dire straits here. She’s going to sign. She has to.”

“I’d like her to do it today.”

“And do you think going to dinner with her will somehow miraculously make her do that?”

“I don’t know, but if it will, isn’t it worth pursuing? I will do anything to make her do this faster,” I told her.

Morgan grimaced. “Don’t say anything. You don’t know what she’ll come up with.”

“I’ll think about it. I don’t know what I’ll do.”

“Please do not do anything stupid. There’s still time to stage that intervention.”

I laughed and patted her on the back. “You’ve done enough for me, Morgan. The divorce will be finalized soon, and then we can all move on from this train wreck.”

“I won’t hold my breath,” she muttered.

“Always a ray of sunshine.”

“I run a business. I don’t need to be a fucking ray of sunshine. I just need to get shit done.”

I held up my hands in defense. “If only we were all as amazing as you, Morgan.”

“Don’t do anything stupid, okay?”

I flashed her a grin. “Do I ever?”

“All the time. You and Austin. You’re going to give me gray hair.” She shook out her long brown hair before moving toward the door. “If you’re going to do something stupid, then don’t blame me when it backfires in your face, okay? I’m warning you now.”

“Warning noted.”

I wasn’t an idiot. I knew that Miranda had something up her sleeve. But I wasn’t sure if it was enough to let this all go or to give in to her demand. Either way, I knew that I needed to talk to Heidi and make this right. Because Miranda was right.

I was seeing someone else.

And the reason I wanted this divorce finalized as quickly as possible was all for her.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Morgan left my office and headed back upstairs. I peeked my head out of the office and found a wall of eyes staring at me.

Apparently, none of that had been subtle. Morgan and Miranda weren’t exactly inconspicuous. I guessed that everyone at least had known that I had marital problems if they hadn’t heard our discussion of a divorce. Thankfully, much of it had been muffled before Morgan catapulted into the room.

But the one set of eyes not on me was the one I was looking for. Heidi had her head buried in her work. She was purposefully not looking up. I wondered if she was even reading or if she was just staring.

Well, fuck working the rest of the day. I straightened my tie and strode toward her. I knew she didn’t want anyone to know about us while I was her boss, but I wasn’t about to wait around all day until I could see her after work. I didn’t want to stress her like that.

Before I reached her, however, one of the other engineers stood up and blocked my path.

“Hey, Landon!”

I tried to reach for his name in my mind. I’d been trying to memorize all my employees’ names, but I hadn’t been here that long. This guy did not ring a bell.