Page 895 of Deep Pockets

“Let’s not argue with the birthday girl, huh?” Jensen said, butting in between me and Emery.

I took a step back and realized that everyone was looking at us. I hadn’t really meant to seamlessly fall into their family dynamic, but I had dated Emery for two years. Sometimes, it was easy to be around them. But that didn’t mean anything about me and Emery. We were long over, and she was head over heels for my brother…and I was head over heels for her best friend.

Heidi’s eyes found me. They were searching, and she looked confused. Julia grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the room without a word. I wondered if Heidi had told Julia. If she had told Emery. Except that now that I’d seen Emery, she looked completely oblivious to it. So, I didn’t know. Whatever. Maybe I was overanalyzing everyone’s reactions.

I took a piece of cake that Kimber had offered me and followed the rest of the party out of the house and into the backyard. Jensen was planning to grill out for the afternoon, and there were games for the kids and drinks for the adults.

Austin grabbed a beer as soon as we were all outside and offered me one.

I shook my head. “Nah, man, I’m good.”

Austin shrugged and was having enough to make up for the rest of the party not drinking. I wanted to keep my wits about me. Morgan and Sutton meandered over to us, and Morgan shot Austin a disdainful look.

“Do you ever do anything other than drink?” she asked.

“Why? You want one?” He offered her the beer he had in his hand.

She rolled her eyes. “No, thanks. I’m just glad we get to have this birthday party in peace without that bitch here. No offense, Landon.”

“Offense was intended but not taken,” I told her.

Talking about Miranda pushed me to drink.

“And she had to be one of my bridesmaids,” Sutton grumbled. “You couldn’t have divorced her before the wedding?”

“Well, if you hadn’t gotten knocked up at twenty-one, then we could have probably fit it into your timetable.”

Sutton’s eyes moved over to Maverick, who was holding baby Jason. He was holding on to him as if he were precious cargo and not perturbed in the least that Sutton had wandered off without him. Kimber had moved over to sit next to him with Bethany in her lap.

“I have no regrets,” she pronounced just like a Wright.

Way to make your mistakes seem purposeful.

“So, are you going to finish school or what?” Morgan asked. This must have been on her mind for a long time.

Sutton shrugged. “Eh, why bother? I want to stay at home with Jason.”

Morgan’s eyes bulged. “Sometimes, I don’t know how we’re sisters.”

“You run the company, Morgan,” Sutton said, affectionately patting her on the shoulder. “I’ll do my own thing. I always have.”

“That’s for damn sure,” Austin agreed. “Do you remember that princess superhero outfit?”

“This again?” Sutton groaned.

“It’s pretty memorable,” I told her.

“What is going on over here?” Patrick asked as he sauntered into the backyard.

“Oh no, trouble is here,” Austin said. He shook hands with Patrick and clapped him on the back.

Patrick waggled his eyebrows at my sisters. “Ladies.”

“You know you’re late, right?” Morgan asked defiantly. Her eyes were trained on Patrick’s face. “You missed the surprise.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. I had to go pick up Mindi.”

Morgan took a step backward. “Who is Mindi?”