Page 892 of Deep Pockets

“An adjustment,” I finally said.

Jensen nodded. “I knew it would be, but you’ll make it work. You always do. I have to go get Emery now. Everyone should be arriving in the next couple of minutes. I’ll see you when I get back with her.”

“See you then.”

With a sigh, I watched him disappear. I loved my brother, but sometimes, his concern felt like an interrogation. He didn’t do it on purpose. He had always been there for us. He had been the one to raise us. He couldn’t even help it now.

I went back to blowing up balloons in his absence. A minute later, Heidi peeked her head back into the living room. Pink rose in her cheeks, and she looked slightly sheepish.

“Hey,” she said with a nervous little wave.

“What’s up?” I arched an eyebrow at her.

“I hate to admit it, but I was kind of eavesdropping.”

My mind flittered over everything that I’d said to Jensen, and I came back blank. I didn’t think I’d said anything incriminating. Jensen had been checking in on me.


“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have.”

“What did you hear that has you blushing so furiously?” I set the balloons aside and stepped over to her.

We were alone in the house. We only had a few minutes before people would start showing up.

“I think I’m more embarrassed than anything.”

“About what?”

“Well…I didn’t know if I should believe what you’d said about Miranda on Friday.”

“What part?”

“That you were divorcing her.”

I cocked my head to the side and stared down at her beautiful face, those bright blue eyes, the unbelievably luscious lips. “You thought I would lie about something like that?”

“No. Not exactly. I was…cautious.”

“Cautiously pessimistic,” I accused.

She bit her lip and shrugged. Man, I wanted to kiss those lips. To bite down for her. The way she was looking at me. The blush on her cheeks. The way she gravitated toward me.

“Optimistic,” she muttered. “But nervous.”

“And now?”

“I believe you. I don’t think Jensen would have asked if you’d been lying about it all.”

“I’m not going to lie to you, Heidi.”

I ran my hand down her arm, and she shivered under my touch. I might have said that I would give her space when she asked for it on Friday. And I’d meant every word when I said it. But, fuck, being alone with her like this, having her look at me like that…it was enough to break any man.

“I’m coming to realize that,” she whispered, her voice so soft that it was almost just an exhale.

My hand ran up her shoulder and into her long blonde hair. This hair. Fuck, this hair. It was gorgeous and soft, and all I wanted to do was pull it and watch her eyes roll back into her head with delight. A gasp escaped her mouth at my touch, and I took that as answer enough. I tilted her head up to look at me, but her eyes fluttered closed.

I could feel her heart racing away. She wanted this, no matter what she’d said or how she stalled what felt inevitable.