Page 887 of Deep Pockets

“Nine,” I offered.

He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Yeah, early morning. I didn’t even know people were here yet.”

“When did you get in?”

“Oh, I was here around six thirty.”

“In the morning?”

He laughed. “Yes, in the morning.”

“Whatever for? We don’t start until nine.”

From the looks of it, it seemed that he was mired in work. He’d only been here a week, and already, he was overworked. I wasn’t sure if that was because he wasn’t used to the work or if it was really piling up. Either way, he looked like he needed some help.

Landon leaned back in his chair and scratched the back of his head. “Well, I have physical therapy Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons and Monday and Friday mornings, so I come when I’m finished.”

“Physical therapy?” My voice rose an octave. “For what?”

“Oh, we’re asking questions now?” he asked with a smirk.

I opened my mouth and then closed it. He was right. I hadn’t wanted to know why he was here. I had refused for him to even tell me.

He waved his hand. “I’m kidding. I injured my back over the summer.”

“Again?” I asked.

I knew that he had gone through some issues at the start of his career and that it had bothered him last summer. I didn’t know it was still an issue.

“Yes,” he said simply.

He looked like he wanted to say more, but he didn’t. I wasn’t sure if that was my fault because I’d pushed him away or if he legitimately didn’t want to talk about it.

“Well, I’m glad you’re taking care of it this time,” I told him.

“Me, too. It’s long overdue.”

“So,” I muttered, “are you coming to Emery’s party today?”

“Already on the schedule to head out early for it.”

“Great. This should be fun.”

“You do know, she hates birthdays, right?”

“Duh. It’ll be more fun this way,” I said, cracking a smile.

“She’s probably going to kill you.”

I shrugged. I was reveling in the ease of our conversation. This was how we had always been before. It was nice to get back to that.

“Yeah, I’m used to her telling me that.”

Landon laughed, and my chest eased at how natural that sounded coming from him.

“Well, good luck with that.”

“Thanks,” I said.