Page 853 of Deep Pockets

“Because leaving me at two thirty in the morning, drunk off my ass, is not how you wanted to end things.”

“Yeah. How are you feeling this morning?”

“Hungover and with a severe lack of memory of several hours of last night,” I admitted.

“I see,” she said.

“Care to fill me in on the details?”

“Nothing happened, if that’s what you’re asking,” she said with bite in her voice. “I told you I wouldn’t do anything with you while you were still with Miranda. Anyway, do you think I’d take advantage of someone as drunk as you were last night?”

“No, I didn’t think you would. I just didn’t know if I’d made a total fool of myself in front of you.”

“If insinuating that I was going to fuck Brandon McCain because he’d flattered me with his obnoxious attention, getting so wasted that you were drinking beer straight from a pitcher, and blacking out as soon as I got you into bed make you a total fool, then yes.”

I winced. Great.

That was all pretty shitty, but at least I hadn’t had sex with her and somehow forgotten. That would have been way worse.

“Yeah. Sorry about all of that.”

“It’s fine, Landon. It’s fine. I should just go. I don’t think we should be talking anymore.”

“Heidi, please. You said that we were going to talk.”

“Yeah, and then you got wasted!”

“I know. Have brunch with me.”

“You cannot ask me out!” she cried.

“It’s just brunch, Heidi. You said we’d talk after the reunion. Can I call in that favor?”


“Heidi,” I groaned. “Please.”

She sighed heavily into the phone and left me waiting and wondering. “Fine. Brunch. Half hour enough time?”

“Yes, that’s plenty of time. Thank you. Café J?”

“All right. I’ll see you there, Landon.”

I hung up the phone with a sigh. I could make this right. I hadn’t done anything unforgivable. Heidi would come around. I might be in the process of leaving Miranda, but I didn’t want to lose ever having a chance with Heidi.

The next twenty minutes, I showered off the alcohol still oozing from my pores, shaved, and changed into navy chinos and a polo. I still had plenty of time to get to Café J, which was one of my favorite restaurants in town. I grabbed my phone, and it started ringing.


I rolled my eyes. At least it wasn’t Miranda.

“Hey, bro,” I said when I answered the phone. I busied myself around the room, stuffing my wallet into my pocket and throwing on my large-faced watch.

“Landon, I hate to call you so early in the afternoon, considering your condition last night,” Jensen said.

He was all business. It was the tone of his voice that finally stilled me.

“Yeah. Last night was rough. What’s up?”