Page 852 of Deep Pockets

“So, you banging Heidi now?” Austin asked.

I jerked up so hard that I winced and cradled my head. “I’m what?” I shouted.

Austin’s eyes narrowed. “She was here last night. Saw her come out of your room when I got back around two thirty.”

“She was here?”

“Bro, were you that fucked up that you don’t remember fucking her? Because that would explain why she looked so upset,” Austin said.

“You think I slept with her?” I asked, getting paler by the second.

“I mean, I don’t know for sure, but why else would a hot chick be leaving your room at two thirty in the morning? Plus, with the shit going down with Miranda, I thought you’d wanted some fun at this reunion.”

“What stuff with Miranda?”

“Dunno, man. Can’t be good if you’re here without her.”

“Wait, wait, wait,” I said, my brain finally catching up. “Heidi was upset?”

Austin shrugged. “You really don’t remember shit, do you?”

“Fuck. I’m screwed, aren’t I?”

“As far as I see it.” Austin pushed his Bloody Mary toward me. “I think you need this more than I do.”

“Thanks, but I have to figure out what the fuck happened last night.” I tried to shake out the cobwebs in my mind, but everything was just missing. I hadn’t blacked out like this since college. Jesus, I had been an idiot.

I hauled ass back into the room I was staying in and dialed Heidi’s number. It rang and rang and rang before her voice mail finally picked up.

“Hi, this is Heidi. You know I hate voice mails. If it’s important, text me.”


I hung up before leaving a message she’d never listen to.

“Fuck, Heidi,” I grumbled as I dialed her number again.

It didn’t even go through all the rings before pushing to voice mail.

A minute later, Heidi sent me a text.

Let’s just end this the way we did last night.

I stared at that text message with a growing sense of panic in my chest. What the hell happened last night? Where did we leave things?

I didn’t want to call and be like, Hey, did we fuck last night? I was sure I would have remembered that if we had. I couldn’t imagine having sex with Heidi being anything less than unforgettable.

I responded to her message.

Not good enough for me. Answer your phone.

I dialed her number again, and this time, at almost the last moment, Heidi answered. It was as if she hadn’t been sure she was actually going to do it.

“Hey,” she said softly.

“Hey. Thanks for answering.”

“I’m not sure why I did.”