“Fine,” he grumbled as I shoved him toward the door.
We made it halfway across the room, veering awkwardly in his drunken stupor, before Peter came over to help me walk him outside. Only one more cab was waiting, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I could get him home. Then, this crazy night would be over.
Peter and I finally maneuvered Landon into the back of the cab.
“Thanks, Peter. I appreciate it.”
“Be careful, Heidi,” he said with a knowing look. “Wrights aren’t always right.” Then, he winked at me.
I felt my face flame at his words. From anyone else, I probably would have blown it off, but Peter didn’t say much. He watched and observed. If he had noticed something, then it was because it was blatantly obvious with just a look.
“Thanks for the advice, but you don’t have to worry about me.”
“I know,” he said with a nod. “You’re a fighter, just like your old man.”
I winced slightly at the comment. Perhaps that was supposed to be a compliment, but about my father…I could hardly take it as one.
“Thanks,” I muttered, trying for a smile. “You’re the best.”
I hopped into the cab behind Landon and coaxed Austin’s address out of him for the driver. I nearly kicked him when I found out it was only three blocks away. Not that I could have walked him down those three blocks, but I felt ridiculous, having a cab take him a walkable distance.
Getting him out of the cab was about as difficult as getting him into it, and I got the cab driver’s number, so I could call him when I needed a ride home. I didn’t think getting him inside was going to be any easier.
Eventually, we made it into Austin’s home and to the first-floor bedroom. I thanked the Lord that he wasn’t on the second floor. I wasn’t sure what I would have done about getting him up the stairs. I probably would have had to leave him on the couch.
I pushed him down onto the bed, and he tumbled backward.
“God, I’m drunk,” he muttered.
“Welcome to my world.”
“I never expected that you’d be the one taking the initiative,” he slurred. “You like it on top?”
“Don’t mess with me right now, Landon.”
“Hey, you pushed me back onto the bed.”
“Because you’re wasted, and I wanted to get you somewhere safe. Now, I’m going to go home, so I can get some sleep.”
He sloppily reached out for my hand. “Stay with me.”
I slipped my hand out of his with a shake of my head. “Not happening.”
Then, I went about finding water, Tylenol, and a small trash can to put beside the bed. He might get sick, and I didn’t want him to throw up all over Austin’s room.
“Guess we’re skipping that talk,” I muttered when I walked back in with my supplies to find Landon passed out.
I placed the water and Tylenol on the nightstand and proceeded to take off Landon’s shoes. He could sleep in the rest of his clothes for all I cared. I patted down his pockets to remove his wallet and cell phone. I dropped the wallet next to the provisions and plugged in his phone to the charger curled around the lamp.
The screen lit up, and for one nosy second, my eyes dropped down onto the screen.
I cringed when I saw the entire screen was full of messages from Miranda.
I pulled my eyes away. Here I was, taking care of someone else’s husband when his wife had been messaging him nonstop. No matter what he had been going on between us—the feelings we’d been harboring for too damn long—I knew we were in the wrong.
We were so in the wrong.
My eyes landed on the lit screen one more time, and I guiltily read a few of the messages. I knew I shouldn’t, but if I saw what she was saying to him, then maybe it would give me the push to put this whole thing behind me for good.