Page 848 of Deep Pockets

And there’s nothing going on?



There’s not.

I don’t believe you.

Fuck off, Robinson.

Whatever, Martin.

I laughed and pushed her toward Jensen. “Don’t worry about a thing. Go have a lot of monkey sex.”

Emery groaned. “I hate you.”

“Love you, too, hooker.”

“Thanks for doing this, Heidi,” Jensen said as he motioned for Emery to precede him out of Flips. “I really appreciate it. If anything goes wrong or if you need me, don’t hesitate to call.”

God, Jensen is such a nice guy.

“I won’t, but don’t worry; it’ll be fine.”

“Famous last words,” he muttered before following Emery outside.

I wanted to laugh off Jensen’s comment, but with the Wrights, something always went wrong.

Without Emery, the reunion deflated for me. I hadn’t kept in contact with anyone else from our senior class, other than Landon. We were all friends on Facebook and Instagram, but I wasn’t involved in their lives. I could go hang out with the cheerleading crowd, but I didn’t fit in with them now that they had their own mommy circle. I knew everyone, but suddenly, I felt very alone.

I slunk back over to the bar where Peter was cleaning a pile of glasses, generally looking exhausted.

“Long night?”

He shrugged one shoulder. “Pretty busy in case you missed it.”

“Noticed that.”

Peter dragged a hand back through his shoulder-length hair and sighed. “You’ve got company.”

I whirled around at that comment, expecting to find Landon. Then, I quickly hated myself for that expectation. Instead, I found Brandon had returned with his pointed grin and flirtatious dude-bro personality.

“Hey, Brandon,” I said with a smile.

“Heidi,” he said, leaning me into the bar. “You want to get out of here?”

Just like that. No preamble or anything.

“I actually have to close down the bar for the reunion.”

“I can wait,” he said with a magnetic grin that I was sure worked on girls in LA.

“No, it’s okay. It’ll be boring, and I should just go home after that.”

Brandon’s grin slipped, and I could tell that his drunken mind was irritated. He hadn’t expected me to turn him down.

He twirled a lock of my hair around his fingers. “Come on, baby. I know you were into me in high school.”