Page 837 of Deep Pockets

“Look, babe, the Northern Lights!” Fanny is gesturing at the glass roof, her blue eyes shining in excitement.

Spoke too soon. I do have to move, erection or not.

This is the moment I’ve been waiting for.

Fanny has been dying to see this wonder, and I can’t blame her. As a kid, I couldn’t get enough of watching these things back in Murmansk.

It’s a perfect distraction, so I ignore the bulge in my pants along with the gorgeous aurora borealis in the sky.

By the time she looks back at me, I’m in position.

On one knee, a diamond ring in hand.

A ring my sister and Ava helped me choose—before I swore them to secrecy, of course.

“Fuck. Me.” Fanny gapes down at me, her pupils the size of a dime. “When did you get down there?”

Seems like she didn’t expect this.


Ignoring the question, I launch into my spiel. “Fanny Pack, I first want to thank you for all the joy you’ve brought into my life.” I know that sounds like one of my parents’ toasts, but the words are coming from my heart, and the bright glitter of her eyes seems to indicate that they resonate. “You have been the most important thing in my world for the last six months. I love you, and you love me. Will you—”

“Marry you?” she breathes.

I grin. It’s become a tradition of sorts for her to interrupt me during moments like this; she did it even when I asked her to move in together.

I lovingly clasp her small hand. “I was actually going to say: Will you make me the happiest vampire in history by letting me finally turn you, so we can spend an eternity together?”

She spreads the fingers on her free hand. “Yes. Please. I’ve always wanted to sparkle in the sunlight.”

Heart thudding heavily in my chest, I slide the ring on her finger, making it official.

Our big adventure together is about to begin.