Page 833 of Deep Pockets

I don’t need backup anyway.

Taking in a deep breath, I sprint out of my hiding spot.

The next few moments happen like a slow-motion effect in The Matrix.

I dodge a dart, then hit its source in the shoulder.

Leaping over a low-flying projectile, I drop my empty machine gun to the floor and pull out two handguns while still in the air.

Bang. Bang.

Two handed, I hit two people in my path to the meeting room and grab the door handle.

A whole cloud of Nerf darts is now flying my way, but I’m already behind the glass door.

The darts hit the glass and drop futilely to the floor.


“Fanny?” Vlad is staring at me with a mixture of confusion and approval. “What are you doing here? How did you get here?”

I take off my sunglasses. “Guessed your pin code and took a peek at your calendar. Sorry about before. My phone was broken. I wasn’t ignoring you. Because of the article, I thought—” I stop, catching the fascinated expression on Alex’s face. “Never mind.”

A slow smile spreads over Vlad’s face. “It’s good that you came. We were just talking about you.”

Alex stands up. “Hey there, Fanny. Good to see you again.” He shakes my hand. “I was going to get my HR folks to reach out to you first, but since you’re here, I want to formally extend you an offer for a developer position here at 1000 Devils.”

So, my guess was correct.

Vlad is getting me another job.

And not just any job.

Software development, exactly what I want to do.

My excitement battles with embarrassment. Before this goes any further, I have to ask Alex something important. “Is this because I slept with your brother?”

Eyes widening, Alex darts Vlad a questioning glance. “You did? I guess… good for you guys?”

If I hoped that recent events had desensitized my cheeks from burning, no such luck. They heat up with an almost sadistic enthusiasm as I sneak a peek at Vlad.

Did I just blurt something I shouldn’t have?

Will he be even madder at me now?

His face is unreadable, though one corner of his mouth appears to be twitching in either amusement or anger.

Alex scratches the back of his head. “Actually, Fanny, I wanted to hire you after you found that glitch in our game, but Vlad and I have a no-poaching policy, so I figured it wasn’t meant to be. When he told me you’re looking for something more fun and challenging, but in the coding area instead of testing, I got intrigued. And since he just showed me your recent work, I have no doubt you’d be an asset here. We’re currently working on an RPG where we want to match user’s images to a database of pre-prepared character faces that look like them. Does that sound familiar?”

My excitement grows with each word he speaks, and by the time he’s done, I can’t help but bob my head repeatedly. “That’s basically what my app does.” My voice all but bursts with eagerness. “Just replace cartoon characters with game ones.”

Alex smiles. “Exactly. You’ll be able to hit the ground running. Assuming you’re interested?” His expression turns more serious. “Before you decide, I can tell you here and now: Whatever happens between you and my brother will never have any bearing on your job. I can put that in legalese if you want me to.”

I grin so widely I can feel it in my ears. “In that case, yes.”

I extend my hand, and we shake on it.

Vlad rises to his feet. “She actually means ‘maybe.’ To get a yes, you need to wow her with things like salary and benefits.”