Page 823 of Deep Pockets

My eyes all but pop out of their sockets. “What?”

He frowns. “I thought we had a moment there, in the elevator. Or do you only invite people who can help your career?”

I jackknife to my feet, my face burning as if from a slap. “This conversation is over.”

He jumps up and grabs my elbow. “Hey. I’m in dev. You want to move over there. I’m sure I could help.”

I give him a scathing glare. “Let me go.”

“Come on. Don’t be like that.” His grip tightens. “I just—”

“Let. Go. Of. Her.”

The voice is pure Impaler.

Mike loosens his grip instantly.

Vlad is in the doorway, his gaze trained on my assailant.

If looks could kill, Mike’s body would be a bloodless husk.

Paling, Mike looks from me to Vlad. “I was just—”

Before I can even blink, Vlad is between me and Mike. “Get out.”

Mike takes a shuffling step back. “I just wanted to be a tester, like you.”

Vlad takes a menacing step toward his employee. “You’re fired. Effective immediately.”

For a second, Mike looks shell-shocked—as though the concept of getting fired for harassing a female coworker is rocket science to him. In the next moment, anger replaces the shock on his face. “How convenient. A spot opens on the dev team just as your mistress wants it.”

“You’re trespassing.” Vlad’s voice is guttural and frightening. “One more word, and you will be forcefully removed from the premises.” His powerful fists clench and unclench at his sides.

Mike pales further, his bravado deflating. Turning on his heel, he scurries out of the room.

Vlad strides over to the phone in the middle of the table and orders security to make sure he leaves the building and never comes back.

As he does that, I finally recover from shock enough to start putting the pieces together.

A rumor. About my testing.

Was that why Sandra had acted so weird? Had she also heard about said rumor?

And what a strange one it is. Me testing with a bunch of men? Why would I do that? I only needed the one.

And Vlad coming to my rescue. How did he get here in such a timely fashion?

Then I remember him talking about hypothetically watching my meeting with Sandra through the cameras.

I guess that wasn’t hypothetical. He really does watch what happens here, at least when he’s jealous.

Hanging up, Vlad turns his ferocious stare my way. “I knew something was off about this meeting.”

I take a step back. “I thought he was Phantom. How was I—”

“Phantom?” He pronounces the word with a strong Russian accent. “He isn’t. I am.”
