I swallow the eggs in my mouth. “Write up Belka testing results. Meet with Sandra to give her the good news—and hopefully get new work. After that, I have a meeting with Mike Ventura.”
He frowns. “Ventura? Why?”
Is that jealousy I hear in his voice?
“Code chat,” I say.
“I see,” he says, the frown going away. “You know, if you have any programming questions, you can talk to me. I might know a thing or two Ventura doesn’t.”
“I’ll take you up on that now that I know.” I grin impishly at him. “Would you like me to cancel the meeting with Mike?”
He spears the last of his food. “It’s fine. Ventura is a decent coder. I doubt his advice can do much harm.”
I take our empty plates and carry them to the sink. “What about you? Big plans for the day?”
To my deep disappointment, he begins putting on his shirt. “Meetings. Krav Maga training. Lunch with you, assuming you’re willing.”
Huh. Is Krav Maga how he got so in shape?
“I think I might be available for lunch.” My eager grin makes it difficult to play coy.
“Good. Mind if I leave Oracle here?” He gestures at the aquarium. “After I fed them, she and Monkey had a blast playing.”
“Of course she can stay.”
Especially since that guarantees you have to come get her.
And maybe stay over again.
“Come lock the door behind me,” he says.
I follow him there.
He puts on his shoes.
I suddenly feel shy. “Bye?”
“No.” He leans down and gives me the hottest goodbye kiss of my life. When he straightens, there’s a purely male smirk on his lips. “Now it’s a bye.”
Closing the door, I fan myself.
That man will turn me into a sex addict.
My steps are light as I prance back to the living room. Opening my laptop, I finalize the testing documentation—reddening at my recollection as I type.
When I’m done, I check on the pigs. They’re grooming each other, happy as clams at a vegan restaurant.
Since my meeting with Sandra is getting closer, I set out on my commute to the office.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
As we settle in the meeting room, Sandra doesn’t meet my gaze.
Does she think I’m about to disappoint her?