In fact, I might’ve had more orgasms yesterday than the entire year prior.
Most importantly, I’ve never felt this kind of connection with a guy. My longest relationship was Bob, and in the year we dated, I don’t think I knew him this well, or felt like we fit this well, or enjoyed the intimacy, or—
Could I be falling for Vlad?
A jolt of adrenaline banishes the remnants of drowsiness.
Falling for him could be a disaster. He might not feel the same—and he’s my boss squared.
I actually slept with the head of the company.
If anyone found out, they’d accuse me of sleeping my way to the top—or into the development department. And what if I do get moved or promoted for a reason other than merit?
Ugh. These would’ve been good things to consider before taking off my panties. In my defense, he had his shirt off by that point, and I’m only flesh and blood.
I open my eyes.
Vlad isn’t in bed with me.
Forget the boss angle. My fear now is that last night meant nothing to him.
The scent of something fried and delicious reaches my nostrils.
I jackknife to my feet.
Maybe Vlad isn’t gone after all?
I sprint to the bathroom to make myself presentable.
Interesting. I have a five-o-clock shadow. In the eyebrow area—not my cheeks. The temporary tattoos are holding on too, but given this growth spurt, I won’t need them in a few days.
Teeth brushed and makeup applied, I put on some clothes and rush into the kitchen.
It is Vlad.
His back is to me, and he’s only wearing pants.
Those back muscles make him look like a rower or a swimmer.
Drool forms in my mouth, only in part due to the smells of the fried goodness he’s working on.
He should cook completely naked next time.
Wait, no. That could expose Dracula to hot oil burns.
I loudly clear my throat.
He turns around. “Ah. The sleepy kitten has risen. When I got up, I accidentally made a lot of noise, yet you didn’t even twitch.”
I grin. “I’m not a light sleeper.”
He nods at the pan. “I hope you like your eggs over easy.”
Over easy?