His eyes roam ravenously over my body. “Me neither. This whole development is a little unexpected.”
I dart a glance at his erection. “You said you’re clean.”
His breath hitches, voice roughening further. “You did too. And you’re on the pill.”
“So are you. I mean, I am on the pill. The only one on the pill.”
Ugh, why am I babbling? And flushing again?
Instead of responding, he lifts me up and manhandles me until we switch places, with me sprawled on the couch and him on top, Dracula against my belly.
His lips slant over mine once more, and as I return the kiss, I feel his wicked fingers enter me.
I gasp into his mouth as he locates my G-spot with a precision Glurp would be jealous of, then gives it a light rub.
I come undone with a scream.
Eyes heavy-lidded, he brings his fingers to his mouth and licks them clean. “Delicious.”
His fingers leave a gnawing emptiness that needs to be filled.
Time to take my daring to the ultimate level.
I wrap my hand around Dracula and slowly guide him into me.
Input device connected. Error. Reboot imminent.
Vlad’s face looks strained as I take him in by small increments, letting my muscles adjust.
Okay. I can take him. I was worried for a second.
“You okay?” he grunts when Dracula is rooted as deeply as he can go.
I manage a small nod.
He begins to thrust, lightly at first.
I moan.
He speeds up.
My nails dig into his back.
The thrusts intensify, yet it’s not enough.
I crave more.
Sliding my hands to his glutes, I arch up, impaling myself as I tip over the edge.
My toes curl as I scream his name.
As my pelvic muscles tremble around Dracula, Vlad grunts in pleasure. I feel him harden, and then there’s the warm sensation of his release—which brings me to yet another climax.