Hand shaking, I reply with: Yes. And no hangover. You?
He calls me instead of replying via text.
“Hi,” I say.
“Hi yourself.”
I clear my throat. “Look, about yesterday—”
“Can we do the pig playdate today?” he asks at almost the same time. “Oracle looks lonely this morning.”
I hesitate for only a second. “Of course. What time did—”
“We’re on our way,” he says. “Have you had breakfast?”
“Not yet.”
“What would you like?”
Feeling a little surreal, I tell him I won’t say no to some blueberry muffins.
“Have a snack for now,” he says. “We’ll be there soon.”
“Sure,” I say, but he’s already hung up.
I have to make myself presentable, pronto. At least my place is still clean from his last visit.
Attacking my makeup kit, I recall the eyebrow debacle from last night. Was it why he stopped kissing me or not? Either way, I use the temporary eyebrow tattoos as the second-best solution, then order another pair of eyebrow wigs for later, in case my own eyebrows don’t make a reappearance soon enough.
Just as I’m wriggling into a clean pair of jeans, I get a call on Precious. I nearly trip as I dash to pick it up.
It could be Vlad.
It’s Ava. She demands an update, so I give it to her.
“Unbelievable,” she says when I’m done. “How could two people give each other that many orgasms yet only get to first base?”
I roll my eyes. “Aren’t sex toys third base? And aren’t facials some kind of a base too?”
She chuckles. “All I’m saying is that you should’ve gone all the way.”
I sigh. “I don’t think he wanted me. He might find me repugnant.”
Ava scoffs. “Repugnant? You? Are you—”
The doorbell rings.
“Got to go,” I shout into the phone and hang up.
“Who is it?” I ask pointedly, approaching the door.
“Vlad,” he says, a note of approval in his tone.
I open up.