Page 773 of Deep Pockets

Monkey watches him with unusual interest.

He places his carrier next to Monkey’s home and waits.

“What’s happening?” I ask, putting the question of perfume out of my mind for now.

I’m not giving in to the green monster. I refuse to.

“This is so that they can see and smell each other, but not touch,” he explains.

Monkey scurries closer to edge of her cage, and when she spots Oracle, she squeaks.

I’m not a huge expert, but it sounds like a happy squeak.

Oracle’s reply squeak is similar, and she’s also at the edge of her carrier. Their noses are now only a few inches apart.

“That’s cute,” I say as they begin sniffing each other—which kind of looks like an air kiss.

Suddenly, Monkey jumps into the air, the way I’ve seen her do when I think she’s happy.

Oracle does the same.

“That’s called popcorning,” Vlad says, his gaze not leaving the pets. “Very positive sign—and unexpected so soon.”

“Interesting. What’s next?”

“Not sure. My research says to keep them separate for a while, but given this reaction, we could risk putting them together right away—assuming you’re up for it.

“Let’s go for it.”

He takes out his phone and sends someone a text.

The green monster stirs. Did he just ping the wearer of the perfume?

A few seconds later, the doorbell rings.

“That’s Ivan,” Vlad says. “But do ask who it is before you open it.”

“Yes, Mom,” I say and hurry to the door, Vlad on my heels.

“Who is it?” I enunciate.

“Ivan,” says a heavily accented voice.

“Can I open now?” I ask Vlad.

He nods. “Now it’s safe.”

When I open the door, Ivan is standing there with a huge aquarium in his meaty hands. The floor of the enclosure is scattered with toys, veggies, and other things Monkey would go gaga for.

“All new stuff,” Vlad says, noticing my confusion.


He smiles. “Gives their first meeting a neutral space. Less chance someone will feel territorial.”

“All right.” I gesture for Ivan to come in.

The big man also takes off his shoes, then deposits the aquarium near Monkey’s house. When she sees him, she bares her teeth at him, the way she always did with my ex.