Page 733 of Deep Pockets

Precious pings again. This time, it’s the eggplant emoji.

I’m busy, I reply and silence Precious before grabbing the work phone once more.

As my finger hovers over the start button, I do my best to thwart Ava by not thinking of the Impaler.

Riiight. As everyone who’s ever tried not to think of something knows, the more you try, the more you end up thinking of the forbidden object.

And that’s doubly so for when said object is as hot as the one I have in my mind’s eye.

Fine. Whatever. I might feel better if I picture yummy lips touching my clit instead of slug jelly.

The image of hypnotic lapis lazuli eyes firmly in my head, I set a timer and press the start button.


I drop both the phone and the vibrator as a powerful orgasm unleashes a wave of endorphins into my system. A full-on, toe-curling orgasm—as amazing as it was unexpected.

As the last spasms ripple through my body, I stare at the toy dumbfounded.

Did that just happen?

Is this a military grade vibrator, or did I just develop the female counterpart to premature ejaculation?

Chewing on my lip, I open the laptop and look at the testing document.

“Was orgasm achieved?” You can say that again.

“How many times?” Once so far.

“Session duration?” No clue. I put down a microsecond.

What now? Maybe I do the same test one more time? After all, whoever put the handwritten notes together implied there would be multiple sessions.

When I attempt it, I grunt in pain instead of pleasure. My clit is super-sensitive from the last go.

I might have to give it a little break.

With some trepidation, I snatch the dildo from the suitcase and open the packaging.

Again no instructions, just a small packet of lube and the thing itself—huge and made of the same squishy material as the vibrator, only avocado-green instead of pink.

I don’t mention this in my work report, but this thing reminds me of an alien tentacle. I mentally dub it Glurp.

Taking Glurp in my hand, I uncharitably compare him to my exes’ equipment.

Yup, Glurp is a big boy, almost frighteningly so.

Opening the lube, I nearly drown Glurp in the viscous liquid and bring up the mental image of the Impaler as I slide the tip into my opening.


It fits and feels kind of nice already. The prior orgasm must’ve gotten me ready for this.

I push Glurp deeper and pick up the work phone to bring the tentacle to life.


I don’t instantly come this time, but the vibration or whatever it’s doing feels amazing. My inner muscles tighten, and I feel like I’m on the verge of something truly intense.