Page 704 of Deep Pockets

Just ‘kiss’ doesn’t begin to describe it.

“Close your eyes,” he tells me.


“Trust me.”

“That’s how all really scary plotlines in movies start, Will.”

“I thought trusting people was your default.”

“Fine.” I close my eyes and smile. “Do we need a safeword?”

Silence. I open my eyes to find Will staring at me with the most complex sensual expression, chest rising and falling with long, deep breaths, setting a rhythm that makes me inhale slowly, with meaning.

I quickly shut my eyes.

And he pulls me up to the top of the bed, my giggles completely unexpected as my bare ass slides against the Egyptian cotton of my comforter.

“Keep your eyes closed,” he whispers in my ear, biting my earlobe for emphasis.

I follow his command.

Sound, touch, and scent become my only tools for awareness, each sense heightened by the shutting off of another. Will’s thigh rubs against my hip, the bristly feel of leg hair on my smooth skin making me shiver. His body crosses over mine as if he’s reaching for something, then I hear a scraping sound, one I can’t identify.

He pulls back slightly, but his body is on mine. A wet, viscous sound, like gel on flesh. What on Earth is he doing?

A deep huffing sound comes out of him, then a splash of sensation, like sudden raindrops on my collarbone, my ribs, my breasts.

I open my eyes to find white goo all over my breasts.

Oh, no.

Poor Will.

It happens to the best of men, right?

“Um, so, it’s okay,” I start, uncertain how to explain that while I wasn’t expecting a pearl necklace tonight, premature ejaculation is nothing to be ashamed of, and–

With his fingertip, he scoops up some of the white sticky stuff and pops it straight into my open mouth.

Perky’s advice comes roaring into my mind:

You really don’t know a person until you’re naked and in bed with them.

God help me, I’m going to have to admit to her that she was right.

Is this some kind of… fetish?

Taste buds take a little longer to kick in when the brain is occupied elsewhere, but as seconds pass, I realize the goo is sweet. Really sweet, like spun sugar.

What does this guy eat? I’ve heard that if men eat a lot of pineapple, their semen tastes like it. Will must live at the Necco factory and mainline wafers like a machine if his tastes like–


“Excuse me?”

“Mallory, you’re a million miles away. How’s the Fluff?”