Page 583 of Deep Pockets

The door banged open and Javier rushed in, still buttoning his shirt. “I’m here. What happened? Britney told me Charlotte called and Sebastian was being murdered. Or maybe it’s Brianna. I can’t remember. She was half coherent. It was a crazy night.”

Ian shook his head. “You’re too late and it wasn’t Sebastian being murdered. It was Tiffany.”

Javier’s eyes widened, but when he looked over at Tiff, she merely smiled, waved his way, and then went back to defending the American jurisprudence system to her sister.

Javi shook his head as he looked back at Sebastian. “What happened? Did Sebastian kill him?”

“Why does everyone assume I killed the man?” Perhaps his reputation as a gentleman wasn’t as sparkling as he thought.

“Because you’re a badass, man,” Javier said with a nod. “Look, I might be worried about you breaking Tiffany’s heart, but that doesn’t mean I don’t respect the hell out of you. You lost both legs and almost no one would be able to tell because when you walk in a room, you’re the tallest man there, one who quietly commands respect. But you’re pretty much doing that right now and you’re in a chair.”

“I wouldn’t mess with him,” Sean agreed. “But then I’ve seen what he can do with a corkscrew. Were the cops telling the truth? Did he pee his pants when you threatened to pop his neck open like a bottle of Merlot?”

“That was an exaggeration. It was mostly tears and pleading and then my sweet submissive threatened to kick him in the balls while giving him a lecture on how violence is killing our polite society. Thankfully the police arrived before I decided to turn the corkscrew on myself.” When his girl wanted to, she could give quite the talking to.

She wasn’t going to be talking much tonight.

“Your sub?” Javier asked, one brow over his eye.

“Mine. Always mine.” The younger man should understand that. He said he only had interest in Tiffany as a sister, but he should know that Sebastian was going to be the final authority figure in her life.

Sean slapped a hand on Javi’s shoulder. “You’re a shitty fake big brother. Don’t you know that siblings always come first? Ian’s walked out on plenty of sex because I was in trouble.”

“He cock blocked me my whole senior year of high school,” Ian said with a sad shake of his head.

Javi’s smile dimmed. “Yeah, well, I was always the little brother. Guess I have to learn some things. Are you really going to take care of her?”

Oh, he had plans. “I’m going to marry her at some point, but I’m definitely taking care of her tonight.”

“Care, as in holding her tenderly and making sure she’s emotionally all right?” Sean asked.

Big Tag held his stomach. “My respect is going down.”

“Care, as in teaching her to take her own life and safety seriously from this day forward. Care, as in teaching her exactly who her top is.” Sebastian looked over where she was shaking her head and whispering into the phone again. “But I think I might need some help. After all, every soldier needs his backup, right?”

It was another thing he’d forgotten. It was good to have friends.

“Respect rising. You have a game plan or are we winging it?” Big Tag asked.

“Oh, I have a plan. I’ll need help with the setup and then I’ll take it from there. Are the police all gone?” He wouldn’t want any misunderstandings.

“Yes, but I think we’re going to have to pry that cell phone from her hands,” Sean pointed out.

“That’s the least of her worries. I’m going to need some handcuffs, two pairs to be exact. I need to be able to twist her back and forth. I want all access but she needs to understand that I mean business.” She liked it rough. He could give it to her. He would give her everything she needed because no matter what had happened in the past, he was her man now.

“Oh, I can MacGyver something for you,” Javi promised.

It was good to have friends.

* * *

“I’m perfectly fine, but if you want to come over and check on us, you’re more than welcome,” Tiffany said.

“I can’t believe he followed me. I feel so bad. I should have sensed something, shouldn’t I?” Deena sounded the tiniest bit tortured over the line.

After she’d hung up with her sister, she’d immediately gotten a call from Deena. She was so grateful for the distraction because Sebastian had seemed pretty fierce.

Tiffany glanced over and Sebastian was still talking to the Taggart brothers, though it looked like Javier had left. She hadn’t actually seen him leave, but he wasn’t in the living room anymore. She was happy their company hadn’t left yet. Sebastian had to be annoyed with her. Or he would be angry with himself. Either way, it was a talk she would prefer to avoid. If she kept him busy with company for a few hours, she could claim she was far too tired to talk and get him in bed. Once he was there, she could make him forget his annoyance/self-consciousness. “It wasn’t your fault, sweetie. You’re not some super spy. You don’t know when someone’s tailing you.”