“I hate you.” Bobby’s face had gone red, his hand twitching.
Now she was afraid. Adrenaline flooded her system. Please don’t let him hurt Sebastian. She couldn’t lose him now that she’d finally found him.
“I did what I thought was right.” She shifted slightly to her left. He’d been mirroring her movements. If she was careful maybe he would continue. “You were hurting people.”
His eyes flared but he took the bait, moving to shift around her, keeping her in his sights. “Old people. They were dying anyway. They didn’t need that money the way I did. Stop moving right now. I swear, Tiffany, I’m not going back to jail. And if I’m going down, I’ll take you with me.”
She put her hands out, ready to try to hold him off. “You won’t get away with it.”
He held up the knife. “Oh, but it’s going to be worth it, bitch. This time I’m really going to deserve it because I’m going to gut you. I’ll make you wish you had never been born.”
There was a horrible thudding sound and Bobby’s head snapped to the side. Had that been Sebastian’s phone?
That was when Sebastian moved in. He hit Bobby with more power than she would have thought a wheelchair could have. As Bobby groaned and fell over, Sebastian launched his big body out of the chair and onto her attacker.
She watched as something silver flashed out of his hand and he managed to use his ridiculous upper body strength to flip Bobby over and get him in a tight hold.
Was that a corkscrew?
Bobby had dropped the knife when Sebastian had apparently launched his phone like a brick. She moved in and kicked it to the side.
“Do you understand that I have a corkscrew to your jugular vein?” Sebastian had her ex around the neck, the silver edge of the corkscrew pressed hard against his neck. “It will take some strength to shove it through the skin, but I possess more than enough and I want nothing more than to see your blood all over this floor because that woman is mine and you threatened her. Tiffany, love, would you like me to open this boy’s jugular vein and let him bleed out?”
She actually thought about it. He was a jerk. But she did have something of a conscience. And besides, after this he would go to a bigger, better prison likely with way more opportunities to teach him valuable lessons. Sebastian really liked those slacks. Blood didn’t easily come out of linen. “No. I hear sirens. Let him live, babe. He’ll have fun in max. We can get that, right? Big Tag knows the district attorney, right?”
“I believe he does.” Sebastian sounded so fierce and those sirens were getting closer. “All right then. Don’t move and you live. Move the slightest bit and we’ll have a problem, you and I. I’ll open you like a bottle I don’t give a damn about. Just try to breathe.”
Damn that man was sexy.
Chapter Fifteen
Sebastian signed the document the police officer handed to him while Big Tag slapped him hard on the back.
“You almost killed that dude with nothing but a cell phone and a corkscrew,” Big Tag was saying. “You win employee of the week. Sean, I think we should totally have a program at the restaurant for employees who creatively handle crime.”
The police officer gave him a smile and a little shake of his head. “Good luck, man. If anything at all happens with McMurtry, we’ll let you know. He’s obviously violated parole so he’s going back to prison, but he’ll have a new trial based on what happened today.”
“Damn straight,” Sean Taggart said. “And my wife thanks you for not murdering that man on our rug.”
Oh, but he’d thought about it. Sebastian had thought seriously about killing that fucker when he’d called Tiffany a bitch. When Bobby had talked about gutting her, he’d nearly seen red. She was his. Fucking his. No one got to touch her. He’d had another crazy caveman moment and it had felt oddly good. He’d always prized himself on being a modern man, but he wasn’t when it came to his blonde ball of chaos. She was all his and she was going to stay that way. She should get used to it.
He’d walked away from Alicia. She’d been his whole life for years and he’d turned and walked out on her. He’d walked out on everyone.
He wasn’t sure he would ever be able to do that with Tiffany. He could be angry with her, pissed as hell, and he would still tie her tightly to his side.
“No, V. He didn’t kill him. He only threatened to kill him,” Tiffany was saying into her phone. She looked far too calm and perfect for a woman who had almost been horrifically murdered. “Yes, I agree with his choice. Yeah, well, pacifism kind of gets tossed out the window when someone tries to knife you. Bobby was awful. I thought about kicking him in the crotch. No, Sebastian’s not a brutal man warrior and you’re not protesting him at Thanksgiving. He’s my boyfriend.”
He was going to be her husband one day, and his new family was an interesting one.
“Are you really okay?” Sean asked. “You don’t need to see a doctor? The cops said you obviously took a rough fall when you took that idiot down.”
“I’m all right.” The EMT had already checked him out and declared he was fine. It wouldn’t have mattered. He wasn’t going to be moved from his plans for the evening.
He owed his sub some time alone.
“I’ve calmed her dad down,” Sean explained. “He’s still insisting on cutting his vacation short and catching a flight back from France so you’ll have company in a day or two.”
Luckily now they had an extra room. “I can handle her dad. I just pray he doesn’t show up with her sisters.”