Page 579 of Deep Pockets

How could he even question his abilities? The sound of his voice alone made her shiver. She was ready to spend the rest of the night playing. All night long. “Yes, Master?”

“Is that a letter from the Department of Corrections?”

Shit. She scrambled off his lap and had that letter in her hand in a heartbeat. She definitely didn’t want him involved in all that. “I’m sure it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

She should have gone through that damn mail, but she’d forgotten about Bobby’s upcoming parole hearing thingee. It was nothing to worry about, but she didn’t want it to come between them right then. The last thing she wanted was Sebastian lecturing her on her previous choice of boyfriends.

He held a hand out. “I think I’ll decide whether it’s important or not. Give me that letter.”

This would likely be a very bad time to tell him it was her mail and he should take his hands off it. She’d just agreed that he was pretty much in charge of exactly that and somehow she was certain he would take offense.

“Yes, think about it,” he encouraged her. “Run it through that creative brain of yours and you’ll come to the right conclusion. Otherwise, this evening is not going to go well for you.”

Damn it. She handed it over. “His parole hearing is coming up. My dad made sure the Department of Corrections would inform me of any changes in his status but that was all he could manage to get them to do. Bobby threatened me, but he also apologized and he’s done therapy time. I think Dad’s making a big deal out of nothing.”

Sebastian opened the envelope. “He threatened to kill you before they took him off to jail. He shouldn’t be up for parole at all. He should rot there for the rest of his life and I’m calling an attorney in the morning. I know your father has money, but Chef has connections through his brother. I’ll have a protective order on you before his parole board hearing. I think we should send someone, too. Not you. I won’t give him the pleasure of seeing you, but perhaps sending a McKay-Taggart representative to speak on your behalf would help.”

“Why would someone speak on my behalf? What am I saying?” He was so serious about something that hadn’t really touched her life in years. She barely remembered what Bobby looked like much less that he’d once threatened her.

Sebastian sighed, obviously attempting to be patient with her. “You’re saying you want the man to do every single second of the time he was sentenced to do. No parole.”

That seemed harsh. Especially if he was really sorry for what he’d done. “Don’t you think people can be rehabilitated?”

“No,” he replied with no patience whatsoever. “Rehab is for injuries. Prison is for assholes. Assholes are always, always assholes.”

He and V were so not going to get along. She foresaw many political arguments in their future. “The last time he communicated with me, he said he’d gone through AA and needed to work through his steps.”

“He can work through his steps from prison,” Sebastian insisted. “When is the hearing?”

She shrugged. “No idea.”

He huffed a bit, a deeply irritated sound. “So this is the first letter they’ve sent you?”

“Think so.” Or there might have been another. “Maybe this is the second. I didn’t actually read the first one. It was a lot of lawyer stuff. Boring. And unnecessary. Lots of people going to jail are pissed. It’s a natural reaction. Do you want another glass of Pinot?”

There went her happy sexy time. At least she still had wine.

Sebastian stared at the letter and then back up at her. “This letter isn’t about his parole hearing. It’s about his damn release date. Which was three days ago.”

“And yet I’m still alive.” He was making a mountain out of a molehill. A criminal molehill, but a molehill nonetheless. “There’s nothing to worry about. I’m not even living at my apartment anymore. I’m out here where no one can find me.”

“Unless he was watching your place and followed Deena back here.” Sebastian pushed back and turned the chair toward the kitchen. “I’m calling Ian Taggart. I want to know where this man is. And I’m definitely calling your father. He needs to understand why you won’t be able to sit down at the next family dinner. Or perhaps ever again.”

Yeah, he could totally top her from the chair.

There was a knock on the door. “Sebastian, you’re making a big deal out of nothing. I told you Bobby Len wrote me a couple of times and at the end he explained that he was in AA and wanted nothing more than to make amends. It’s apparently one of the steps.”

“You’ll meet with him over my dead body,” Sebastian swore. “And don’t you dare answer that door.”

But she’d already opened it. The doorknob had turned and she was struck dumb by the man standing in her hallway.

Bobby stood there, so much leaner and more muscular than he’d been before. He looked meaner, too.

“Hello, Tiffany. Miss me?”

She hadn’t. She really, really hadn’t.

Chapter Fourteen