“One of the new servers managed to trip on air, from what I can tell, and nearly set the kitchen on fire, and all she was doing was practicing how to put in an order. I still don’t know how that happened.” He sighed. “You still can’t decide between white and champagne?”
Tiffany’s cell trilled and she pulled it out of her pocket. “I like the white. We tried going with black, but the bread we serve is nice and flaky and makes it look super messy.” She looked down at the number, more than surprised at what she saw. “Uhm, I’m going to step outside for a moment while you two figure it out.”
They started arguing over white or off-white and Tiffany rushed toward the lobby. She swiped her finger across the screen to answer. “Hello?”
“He took his test? You said he was a sommelier. Is that just a title or did he actually take his test?” Ramona Lowe-Campbell sounded a bit sad and a whole lot curious.
Oh, she could work with curiosity. “Your brother is one of the youngest Master sommeliers in the country.”
The woman at the other end of the line was silent for a moment. “He always had incredible instincts when it came to wine. Our father was so disappointed when he went into the Army, but I understood. He needed to see a little of the world before he settled down.” There was a long sigh over the line. “So you’re his new girlfriend?”
“I’m pretty sure I’m the only girlfriend he’s had since he came home.” She had to be careful. She didn’t want to say anything that might put Ramona off, but she needed Sebastian’s sister to understand what was happening in his life.
“Don’t think he’ll marry you. If he wouldn’t marry Alicia, he won’t marry you. You have to be careful because my brother changed over there. He got harder. I hope you don’t fall for him because if he could leave the love of his life behind without a word, he’ll dump you, too.”
Yes, this was the mystery she needed to solve. She began to talk to the only person who might be able to solve it.
* * *
Sebastian stared out over the sea of way-too-young faces. Had he ever been that young? A few weeks ago he would have said no, but lately he’d started to remember how good it felt to be stupid and young and crazy about a woman.
“Do you understand what you did wrong, Sally?” Sebastian looked at the college girl. She’d been hired to work as a server, but he might have to suggest the newbie move to a hostessing position at least for a few months.
Her eyes were wide as she looked up at him. She looked at him like he was a well-dressed monster who might eat her up if she didn’t answer correctly. “I didn’t yell that code thing when I moved through the kitchen.”
She’d plowed through, trying to maneuver behind Javier, who was training the new line chefs in how Eric expected them to prepare his dishes. The whole kitchen smelled of tomatoes and garlic and basil since they were working on the marinara sauce Top served over certain pasta lunch dishes. It made Sebastian’s stomach rumble. He was looking forward to sitting across a table from Tiffany and sharing the fruits of Javi’s labor.
But only after he’d ensured Sally didn’t nearly cause a kitchen fire because she was too nervous to call out.
“It’s not a code. It’s a precaution. When you are walking behind anyone who is handling food or drink or carrying a tray, you simply say in a firm voice, ‘behind you’ so they know not to step back while stirring a pot of ridiculously hot sauce that could have literally burned off his flesh if he hadn’t been so quick on his feet.”
Javier chuckled. “Don’t you listen to him, honey. I was never going to ruin this face. I have incredible instincts, but I could have hurt you. Don’t worry about it. You’ll get used to how to work in a kitchen. Before long, you’ll be shouting and won’t even notice it.”
Dear god, that kid would use anything as an excuse to get close to a woman. “And that, ladies, is your other real threat in the kitchen. Javier is a playboy and he will burn you, too.”
Javi put a hand over his heart and managed to look deeply offended. “I can’t believe you would say that. I’m a young man looking for love.” He winked at Sally. “You looking, too? I think I saw some in the broom closet. We should go look. Leave no stone unturned. That’s my motto, pretty girl.”
Leave no woman unmolested might be a better motto. Though even as he thought the words, Sally was turning a nice shade of pink and giggling behind her hand.
Yeah, he had probably never been that young.
“Take a twenty minute break,” he offered. The real job was coming up, but Deena was running that particular show. “When you get back, be ready for a rehearsal of lunch service. You’ll be serving me and your service pro, Tiffany, and we’ll be grading you on everything from presentation to quickness and knowledge of the menu and wine and bar choices.”
There was a collective groan that went through the group, but Sebastian ignored it.
God, he hoped they would be ready in a week. Soft open was in a week and he was worried they needed to replace at least two of the servers with more experienced employees. At least it looked like Eric and Javi had the line chefs working in tandem. He was absolutely certain the bar staff was ready. It was only a couple of servers he was worried about at this point.
He would sit down with Tiffany tonight and ask her opinion of what they should do. She had excellent instincts and this was her particular forte. He would put it all in her hands and she would figure out what to do.
It was nice to trust someone the way he did Tiffany.
What the hell was he going to do when they went back to Dallas? He wasn’t sure he wanted to go backward. He wasn’t sure he liked the idea of her not being around all the time.
Could he manage to convince her to live with him and maintain separate rooms? Could he handle that? He needed time off his legs, time to rest and breathe, and he wasn’t about to do that around her.
Maybe it would be all right. Maybe she could handle being a part of his life but keeping some kind of distance.
Who the fuck was he kidding? She was the huggiest sub he’d ever met. She cuddled and needed affection and attention.