Page 551 of Deep Pockets

He was either getting old or far too attached.

“Some tea would be nice,” he told her because they needed no liquor to confuse his charge’s brain. Jaye was confused enough as it was. Sebastian was beginning to believe the man might not be right for this kind of lifestyle.

“I’ll have the lounge prepare a table for us,” she said, going up on her toes to kiss his cheek. “And perhaps a talk with Master Kai could straighten out things for our guest. I saw him a little earlier. You know how he loves to talk philosophy. Perhaps I’ll find him and we could let him counsel Milo and Gina while we watch some of the scenes.”

She was smart, too. So fucking smart. That did something for him. Kai could talk for hours. And honestly, it would be good to get his take on the couple. Kai Ferguson was the resident psychologist. Normally the couple wouldn’t even be here without Kai’s approval. They were circumventing the normal process or they already would have gotten to know the doc.

“I think that is a brilliant idea.” And then he could have some time with her. Time in the world they both enjoyed.

He watched as she walked away. Milo and Gina were still arguing, but he had to wonder if things weren’t finally turning around for him.

He winced as he started for the table. It fit that just as he found a woman he was crazy about, his damn legs would go bad. He had to suck it up. It would clear up in a day or two and it wasn’t like he couldn’t take a little pain.

She was worth it.

* * *

Tiffany sipped her tea and silently cursed her too-good-to-be-true ideas.

She’d hoped to be able to slip away with Sebastian while Kai worked his magic. Instead, Kai had decided it was a good time to hold a Dom conference or something. Kai’s wife, Kori, had decided to show Gina around while Tiffany waited close by in case Sebastian needed to demonstrate any of the techniques they were talking about.

“They look so peaceful.”

At least she wasn’t alone. Deena had shown up and Eric had joined the big bad Doms at their table across the lounge. Milo looked out of place surrounded by massive men in leather. She turned to figure out what Deena was talking about because those Doms didn’t look peaceful. If she had to put a word to it, she would say they looked perplexed.

Oh, but those two did look peaceful.

Ian and Charlotte Taggart were all dressed up for play. Big Tag was in his leathers, worn motorcycle boots on his feet, while Charlotte was in a micro-mini and a corset that tucked in her waist. Yep, those two would have been a force on the dungeon floor if they hadn’t fallen asleep on the couch. They hadn’t even pretended apparently. They were spooning, Big Tag curled around his wife’s body.

“I’m never having kids,” Deena swore.

Somehow she didn’t think they were seeing the same thing. Deena was seeing two people who had three kids under the age of four and how tired they were. Tiffany was seeing a team. Big Tag and Charlotte were building a future and they were in it together. Awake. Asleep. Even when they were too tired, they’d gotten out and tried to play, and when that hadn’t worked, they held onto each other and found some peace.

“Have you and Eric talked about it at all? Kids, I mean.”

“We’re too busy with the restaurant right now.” Deena glanced over to the Dom table, smiling as she took in her husband. “But seriously, someday we’ll start a family. But a small one. I don’t want a baseball team or anything. One or two might be cool. But for now we’re all about our restaurant baby. Eric eats, breathes, and sleeps Top. I mean it about the sleep. He was talking in his sleep last night, arguing with himself about whether or not he should go with the Chilean sea bass or his blackened trout for the soft open. It’s all he talks about. Menus and gossip. Everyone’s so interested in whatever is happening between you and the bionic man.”

Tiffany felt her eyes narrow. “You can’t call him that. You know he’s sensitive. Even Doms have their sensitivities.”

“Hey, you’re the one who came up with the nickname.” Deena leaned in. “Did you really get busy in the office today? Eric said he played cupid for you this afternoon and you should thank him. A lot, if those screams were what I think they were.”

She wasn’t a woman who embarrassed easily. “I had a very nice time but Eric is a rat fink who told on us, and I got a really nasty spanking out of it. My backside still hurts.”

“Oh, my god,” a new voice said. Ally Miles lowered herself down to the pillow beside Tiffany. “You finally got it on with the som. He’s the Som Dom. I came up with that.”

“It’s horrible,” her husband, Macon, said. He was dressed for play, his big chest covered in an open leather vest he would likely shed at some point in time. Macon Miles was a stunning man. He was also Top’s pastry chef. Ally was a server at the Dallas restaurant, Tiffany’s closest friend there since Deena had left the front of house for Top’s business offices.

Macon pulled up a chair and eased into it. Like Sebastian, he’d served his country and sacrificed a part of himself. Macon had a prosthetic leg, but unlike Sebastian, he didn’t hide it. Tonight he was wearing long pants, but Macon seemed to prefer athletic shorts when he wasn’t in his chef whites.

Deena frowned up at him. “You know the Dom table is over there.”

Macon frowned. “I will have a long discussion with Eric about your tone later. And there’s zero chance I’m getting stuck in that. I try to stay out of Big Tag’s machinations. And Kai’s got his lecture face on. Nope. I’ll stay here and listen to you lovely ladies talk about Tiffany’s newfound sex life.”

“It’s not newfound.” Exactly.

Ally shook her head. “Oh, so you’ve had a bunch of lovers and not mentioned them at all? Face it, girl, it’s been a long time for you and that man is the reason. So I’m very happy to know that he finally manned up and took responsibility.”

“How is Sebastian responsible for Tiffany’s dry spell?” Macon asked.