Page 544 of Deep Pockets

“Because I wanted to stay with you. I wanted to get close to you.”

The expression on his face didn’t change at all. “Turn around and walk to the door.”

“Sebastian,” she began. That had been a mistake. He wasn’t ready.

“I said turn around and walk to that door. Do not disobey me in this, Tiffany. You’ve made me look like a fool enough for the day. Do as I say.”

Well, that answered all her questions. She couldn’t help the tears that blurred her vision as she turned away from him. She’d made her play and failed. It wasn’t the first time she’d failed at something. Wouldn’t be the last. So why did it feel like the damn world was ending? Why was this man so important?

It didn’t matter because it was over. Once she walked out that door, he would likely be polite and he would be a gentleman, but he would never be her Dom again.

“Now lock it.”

She stopped, her hand on the door. “What?”

“You’re struggling to listen today so let me make myself clear one last time. You will lock the door. You will remove your clothes, fold them, and put them to the side. You will accept your punishment with grace and then you will go about the rest of your day, but you will also understand that things are going to change now. I won’t be manipulated. If I find out you’ve been anything less than honest with me again, there will be no more contract. I’ll go to Big Tag and explain that this isn’t going to work out. When you want something from me, you’ll ask me. You won’t go behind my back and twist and turn the truth in order to get what you want. You’ll be brave enough to ask for what you want and I’ll do the same. Tiffany, I would like very much to move our relationship to a sexual level. I believe we’ll both enjoy the experience.”

“Yes.” What the hell had happened? Maybe she wasn’t going to harangue Eric. “I think we would be good together.”

“See. That wasn’t hard. Now do as I asked and we can get your punishment over. Don’t think for a second those tears are going to sway me.”

She brushed them aside. It looked like she wouldn’t need to cry. “I wasn’t crying because I was afraid of the discipline. I was crying because I thought you were sending me away.”

For the first time his face softened and he stepped close to her. He towered over her and his big hand came out, his thumb brushing across her cheek to wipe away her tears. “I don’t know where this is going, but I think I would be foolish to not try with you. I need you to understand, though, that I’m not sure how much I have to offer you. I won’t fool myself by saying this is all about sex. I do have feelings for you. I don’t know how much that will mean. I haven’t had a relationship with a woman in a very long time. I lost someone I cared about quite deeply and it wounded me to the core. I don’t know that I can love you the way you deserve to be loved.”

But two weeks ago he would never have even said the word love around her. He might not see it, but he could change. He could grow. “I’ll take that risk.”

He stepped back and she knew the Dom was in the house again. “Then do as I asked.”

Take off her clothes and take her punishment. She could do that. It would be the first time he’d touched her with more than easy affection since that first day. Despite the fact that he’d told her he would punish her for what happened with Milo Jaye, he hadn’t mentioned discipline again. They’d been quiet and simple, and while it had been nice to spend that kind of time with him, she wanted this part, too. Needed it. She might need it more from Sebastian than she’d ever needed it at all. D/s had been fun. It had been a game and she’d enjoyed it, but she craved Sebastian’s dominance.

She worked quickly, folding her clothes as instructed. When she’d dreamed about this, she’d thought about wild and crazy passion, but that wasn’t Sebastian. He was thoughtful, careful, and he wanted her to be that way, too. He watched her as she exposed her body to him, his eyes hot, but he remained perfectly still.

He was savoring her. He was looking at her like she was a glass of wine he wanted to be able to describe with precision.

“Am I star bright, Sebastian?” She was down to her bra and skirt. She reached back and released the clip that held her hair up.

“No, Tiffany. That’s not the term I would use to describe your light.” His voice was even deeper than normal. “The proper term would be brilliant.”

She had to smile at that. She released the clasp of her bra and laid it on top of the pile. “I don’t think that’s a word you would typically use to describe me.”

“Only because you don’t understand what it means to me. Take off the skirt. We haven’t had a formal presentation. Had we begun this properly, I would have had you present yourself to me, your body displayed for my pleasure so I could enjoy you and praise how beautiful you are. So you could show me everything you’re offering me.”

He wasn’t ready for everything she was offering to him. Right now, he was ready for her body, but she damn straight intended to give him her heart and soul. One step at a time. It would be a dangerous game with a man who wasn’t as honorable as Sebastian. If they didn’t end up together, it wouldn’t be because he’d used her for sex and discarded her. He wasn’t a man who would do that. Other things might come between them, but he wouldn’t use her. He was giving them a chance and it was time to take it.

Tiffany slid the skirt down her hips. “I’ve never presented myself outside of a training class before.”


“I’ve never once been serious about a Dom. Not the way I am about you.” It was actually nice to not hide her affection. She’d walked such a slim tightrope. She would still be careful not to push him too hard, but she could relax a little.

“Thread your fingers together, arms behind your back. Present your breasts to me.”

This was really happening. She was certain her Sebastian was going to make this hard as hell on her. He would get her twenty kinds of hot and bothered and then spank her and send her on her way, but they were on the road to actual, real sex. She would have to put up with it because she got the feeling her Hitachi was going to be a no-no for a while. She drew her hands behind her back and found the position he wanted, letting her breasts thrust out in offering to her desired Master.

Cool air hit her skin, but she was hot on the inside. Sebastian was staring at her, considering her in that deliberate way of his, and it did something for her. Her nipples tightened under his gaze and she was aware of every inch of her skin.

“Spread your legs,” he commanded as he finally moved. He took a step toward her as he began to roll up his shirt sleeves. She’d seen the man in leathers, but he was never more masterful than when he was in one of those perfectly tailored suits of his.