Page 529 of Deep Pockets

He wanted her to do what? “Why am I leaning over the chair? Okay, that sounds silly. I get that we’re talking about a spanking, right? I’m getting spanked because I made us late?”

“Yes. Unless you had a very good reason for spending twenty minutes in the bathroom.” He watched her carefully. “I’m willing to listen.”

Well, I was trying to make sure my nips were all aligned for you, Sir. And guess what? I was right to do it since they are hard as rocks right now and straining against my bra. And perfectly straight.

Yeah, she wasn’t going to tell him that. “I suspect that doing my hair and making sure my makeup looked good won’t get me out of anything.”

“Not at all. Now do as I asked and we can move on with our day.”

It wasn’t her first rodeo. She’d been spanked before, though it was always during play and not in a disciplinary fashion. Her training Dom had a rough hand and it never bothered her. She enjoyed the sensation. How much worse could it be?

She wasn’t going to show fear. She gave him a jaunty smile and leaned over. “Do your worst, Sir.”

“I will as soon as you do as I asked. We’re going to have to work on how you listen. I’m rather surprised because you’re very good at doing it when you work. I did mention that your shorts are in the way. Also, if you’re wearing underwear, I’ll need them. I do not allow my submissive to wear panties unless she’s working. I understand that can be difficult. But when you’re not working you will not be allowed them. You will also give up your bras when we’re home alone or when we’re not in the vanilla world. Again, I understand it’s more proper to wear one at work or outside doing normal daily activities, but there will be none when we’re alone.”

She stood back up, slightly shocked that he’d changed his mind so fast. “You said we weren’t having sex.”

He moved into her space, those brilliant blue eyes of his steady on her. “Does your lack of a bra indicate that sex is forthcoming? Will the fact that you have no underwear on force my penis to fall inside your body? Do not mistake me, Tiffany. This is not me demanding sexual favors from you. This is me training you how to be my sub. I’ve taken a few with whom I had no sexual contact with at all.”

“Seriously?” Who signed a contract with that man and didn’t want him to fall inside her vagina?

“I acted as a professional during my time in London. It might shock you to know I also topped male subs and I managed to not have sex with them as well.”

“So you don’t ever have sex with your subs?” That killed so many of her fantasies.

“I didn’t say that, but my sexual history is a conversation for another day. Come along, now. Every second you wait is another hundred or so cars we have to fight our way through on 183. Bare bottom, please, and you will thank me for the discipline afterward.”

Wow. She was here and the hill the roller coaster was about to go over looked so much bigger from this vantage point. She couldn’t see over the other side, but wasn’t that the fun of taking the ride?

She pushed her shorts off her hips and handed them over. She didn’t need to give him her undies. She didn’t wear them. His eyes had widened and it was so good to know she could shock him. Maybe her backside wasn’t as perfect as his, but it was nice. She’d been told by several Doms that she had a lovely ass. “I don’t wear underwear unless I’m working, and even then it’s nothing more than a teeny tiny thong. You can have this, too. I only wore it because you seem so proper, Sir.”

She reached back and unhooked her bra, freeing her breasts. She pulled it through the arm of her T-shirt. Now she didn’t have to worry about her nipples. They would sit right where they needed to be.

Sebastian took the shorts and there was the faintest trace of pink in his cheeks. “Excellent. It’s a count of twenty for being late, ten more for questioning me, and another ten for failing to listen to instructions. I do not require a count.”

She leaned over and placed her hands flat on the seat, tilting her backside up like her training Dom had preferred. “I’m ready, Sir.”

“I’m glad one of us is,” he muttered before his hand came down on her backside.

The sound cracked through the air and Tiffany gasped. He hadn’t been playing around with that smack. His hand came down again and again. At least ten times before he stopped and stepped back.

“How are you, Tiffany?”

Her ass was on fire and tears had started up, but she wasn’t about to stop. She was experienced enough to know that there was a point to the pain. He wasn’t doing anything to mitigate it though. He wasn’t caressing her ass to hold the heat against her skin. He wasn’t soothing her.

And she was still getting hot. She could still feel her pussy getting warm and wet even as her eyes dripped with tears. “I’m fine, Sir.”

“How many disciplinary spankings have you received?”

“None, Sir.”

“I don’t want to hurt you, not in a way that doesn’t feed something inside you. A disciplinary spanking is different from an erotic one.”

“I can handle it.” It hurt, but she found something freeing about being able to take it. And she couldn’t help how her heart rate tripled at the thought of his hand on her again. The pain flared into something more. It wasn’t like she got off on twisting her ankle or whacking her elbow. That just hurt, but something about a spanking did it for her, and now she knew it wasn’t simply when playing. Something about the methodical way Sebastian went about his discipline made her ache for more.

“Then I’ll continue.” His left hand steadied on her lower back. “You have a lovely backside, Tiffany. It’s quite beautiful and your skin is beautiful as well.”

There was the Dom. Her sister had flipped her shit when she found out Tiffany had joined a BDSM club. She’d asked why she wanted to be abused.