Page 517 of Deep Pockets

She approaches and I turn to look at her as she outstretches her arms. “I’m so sorry, Em.”

I hug her quickly, pulling away before the tears escape. “I’m not letting it tear me down. I swore to myself that Derrick would be the last man to hurt me. I need to face Grayson and my relationship for what it was—an office fling.”

Resting her hand on my arm, the affectionate movement of her thumb along my skin tugs at the tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

“I don’t think it was a fling for either of you.”

Turning away from her sad eyes, I begin opening the containers. My heart splinters and the pain seeps out. I take a deep breath and shove the pain away. “You’re right. It wasn’t for me. I wanted more, but we don’t always get what we want.”

Megs’ curls swing when she reaches for her own container and chopsticks. “Are you sure it’s over? Maybe he needs time to process how he feels.”

With our containers in hand, we move to the couch. “Considering at the end of the work day he sent me an email saying he approved my application and wishes me the best of luck in my career pursuits, I’d say it’s pretty clear how he feels.”

Stopping mid-bite, she angles her head, frowning. “I didn’t think Grayson was a dick, but he’s quickly changing my mind.”

“You and me both, but I don’t want to talk about it. I drank half a bottle of wine to forget and I’d like to continue my plan, focusing on other, better things in my life.”

“You really want to take this job?”

Not wanting to see the disappointment in her eyes, I keep my attention on my food. “I do. The promotion is a great opportunity. I’m ready for it.”

“But you’ll be moving to Atlanta…away from me.”

Her melancholy tone tears at my already fragile emotions. Dropping my shoulders, I struggle to gain the courage to meet her gaze. “I know, but I’ll only be a five-and-a-half hour drive or an hour flight away. We can still get together on the weekends. Plus, it’s an excuse to have weekend sleepovers.”

“I don’t like it. I won’t be able to pick up carryout and come over whenever I want to anymore. I won’t be able to steal your shoes when I need a quick, sexy pair.”

“You can have any pick of the litter,” I quip, trying to extinguish the sorrow filling the air between us.

She rolls her eyes and smiles. “If you’re leaving me, I’m taking more than one pair.”

Chuckling, the laughter lifts some of the heavy weight of my emotions.

Chapter Twenty-Two


It’s been three days and Grayson has done everything he can to avoid me, and truthfully, I’m ok with it. I’ve been wanting to avoid him too. The two times we’ve crossed paths in the lobby, my whole body grew tense with a combination of anger and heartbreak. With his usual poker-face, he barely makes eye contact and continues on to where he’s headed. It’s better that we don’t speak because I don’t have anything appropriate to say to him. He is still my Boss, and I need to respect that, even if I want to throat punch him.

Everyone in the office can sense the tension between us. Claire says the office environment has become depressing since our break-up. To add to my already overwhelming emotions, Rachel discovered I applied for the position in Atlanta and nearly blew a gasket. Claire had to step in and threaten to write her up when Rachel barged into my office declaring that the only reason I applied was because I want to prove I’m better than her or some such bullshit.

Now I’m five minutes away from my interview, nervous as hell. Not because of the interview itself, but because this means I’m definitely going through with it and putting myself one step closer to uprooting my whole life.

I jolt when my office phone rings, then reach for it before pressing the speaker button, setting the receiver back down. On the other end is Mr. Johnston, and two other head honchos from Headquarters.

“Miss Williams, are you ready for your interview?” Mr. Johnston asks.

“I am.”

“Wonderful. Let’s begin.”

Forty-seven minutes later, I take a relieved breath after ending the call. It was a brutal interview, but I’m confident I nailed it. They said they’d have an answer by Monday. It’s unusually fast, and I wonder if they already know who they want to hire. If it’s not me, I feel my worst nightmare coming to fruition. I know I’ll begin looking for jobs elsewhere because I can’t continue to see Grayson every damn day, feeling the way I do, when I know he doesn’t feel the same.

Glancing at the clock, I see it’s close to lunchtime. Grabbing my purse, I head to Claire’s office. I could use a drink during lunch to settle my heightened nerves right about now. As I open my door and step out, I see Grayson and Rachel walking through the lobby like they’re going to lunch together. Tears sting my eyes and anger surges up through my stomach and into my chest. I can feel my face getting hot and my fists clench. Grayson cuts off their conversation and heads right toward me.

Retreating to my office, he follows. As soon as the door closes, I attack.

“Fucking her now too? One office fling wasn’t enough? Don’t worry Grayson, you made the right choice—” I point toward where I last saw Rachel “—that one won’t get attached.”