Page 516 of Deep Pockets

“I’m calling to learn more about the position in Atlanta. I hear you might be opening a branch there.”

“I can confirm we are.” His tone shifts. “I’m surprised this news hasn’t been given to you already.”

Frustration coils in my chest. “I’m just as surprised as you are.”

“I was also surprised when you didn’t apply for the position. This explains why. The announcement closed Friday, but if you’re interested and can complete the application today, I’ll squeeze you in.”

“I appreciate that very much, Mr. Johnston. I am interested and I can have it completed today. Not a problem.”

“Great. I’ll send you the application link via email. You’ll need Mr. Cole to approve it before it can officially be submitted.”

Tension spreads over my shoulders. “I’ll take care of that. Thank you, Mr. Johnston.”

We disconnect and I focus on taking calm breaths. Standing from my chair, I pace to the window and back, then decide to face the issue head on. I stomp my way to Grayson’s office and even though the windows are shaded, I open the door and enter. Grayson is on the office phone, his brows pinched inward.

“I understand, Mr. Johnston. Thank you for the call.”

Shit. No doubt he knows his secret is blown.

Grayson hangs up and leans back in his chair, waiting for me to say what I clearly stormed into his office for.

“The meeting with Rachel was to tell her about the job opportunity in Atlanta, wasn’t it? Why didn’t you tell me about it?”

He adjusts his jacket, his expression blank. “I was being selfish. I didn’t want you to take it.”

“You have no right to make that kind of decision for me! How could you do that? If I hadn’t called Mr. Johnston just now, I would have missed the opportunity!”

“You’re right. I don’t have that right, I shouldn’t have hidden the job from you. I’ll approve the request when you’re done completing the application.”

Looking at me silently, he gives me nothing else, no emotion, no apology, no explanation for last night, and my anger turns to rage.

“I told you I loved you last night and that scares you, and now you’re shutting me out! How is it you can go through the trouble of keeping me from a job promotion, but you can’t even tell me how you feel about me?”

Grayson flexes his jaw, the first sign of emotion I’ve seen today. “You want to take this job, perhaps you don’t love me as much as you think you do.”

My arms fold across my chest. “How the hell does wanting to better my career mean I don’t love you?”

“We’re both adults, Emma. We both know a long-distance relationship isn’t practical. What we have has been great, but being your Boss, I never should’ve let things get as far as they have. You deserve that job. Don’t let whatever this is—” he points to me and him “—get in the way.”

“Whatever this is? What the hell does that mean? Because my understanding is that we’re in a relationship, re-lat-ion-ship, Grayson, that means two people care and love one another. I know you feel the same way about me as I do about you, but you’re too damn proud and scared to admit it!”

“Emma, I’m not scared or too proud.”

“Then say it, Grayson. Tell me how you feel about me. Or tell me you don’t love me! Either way, I’ll at least know what you feel for me!”

Rubbing the nape of his neck, Grayson tries to relieve the tension I’m sure he’s feeling. “Emma, this conversation should wait until after work. This isn’t the place for us to be arguing.”

“Bullshit! That’s another cop out. You’re avoiding me and your feelings.” My heels click across the floor as I leave. Stopping with my hand on the door, I turn to face him. “You told me once that when someone hurts you, you have the choice to either let it weaken or strengthen you. You didn’t let your heart break strengthen you. It’s weakened you, Grayson, to the point you refuse to let someone in and love them.”

Silence. Shifting his gaze to the window, he makes no effort to stop me from leaving. I walk out with tears pooling in my eyes. Back in my office, I close the door and pull up the email with the application link. I wasn’t sure I truly wanted to apply to this job, until that conversation. Now I’m sure—applying is the right choice.

Hearing Megs familiar knocking, I turn down the music I’m drunkenly dancing to. I open the door and her expression contorts as she raises on her toes and looks around my apartment behind me. “What the hell are you doing? And why are you in pajamas and boots dancing to Nancy Sinatra’s These Boots are Made for Walking?”

Glancing down at my boots, I turn my ankles for her to admire them. “Claire got them for my birthday and I’m purging things I don’t need. I applied for a job in Atlanta today and I have a damn good chance of getting it.”

Megs pushes the door wider and enters, carrying a restaurant bag. After setting it on the counter, she sheds her jacket, tossing it on the couch. Leaning against the back of it, she crosses her arms. “Start explaining. Yesterday you’re in love with Grayson and today you’re taking a job in Atlanta. What happened?”

The scent of Thai food draws me to the bag and I rummage through it, pulling out containers one at a time, ignoring her disappointed expression. “I told him I loved him, Megs, and he bolted. Today I found out he withheld a job opportunity from me because he selfishly didn’t want me to leave. I called him out on everything. He told me to apply and that he never should have let things get as far as they did.”