He strokes my hair before he kisses my cheek.
The food arrives and Grayson’s hand never leaves my thigh, rubbing me with his thumb each time I look at him. When the bill arrives, he leaves cash on the table and then slides out of the booth. “You ready for the next part of your birthday?”
I take his hand and exit the booth. I lean into him when he places his arm around me. “Very. I’m curious as to what you have planned.”
On the drive to the mystery place, I text my mother and Megan. I let my mother know I’ll call her later and thank her for the birthday wishes. I respond to Megan’s cute birthday Facebook post and she texts me seconds later.
With Grayson today?
Yes, he planned something special. He’s not telling me what it is. Heading to it now.
Aww, that’s romantic. Call me later when you get a chance, so we can plan to get together. I have a present to give my bestie. Happy Birthday! Love you!
Will do. Love you too!
Returning my phone to my purse, Grayson takes my hand in his and kisses my fingers. The usual flutter of emotion fills me and I watch him as he drives. With his blue and white flannel and dark jeans, he looks stylish, casual and sexy. He smiles when he catches me staring.
“I’m glad you chose to spend the day with me.”
“Me too.”
“Have you been to Glendale Park before?”
Turning into the entrance, I take notice of the large sign with the park name etched into the stone. With the park being on the edge of town it’s a great place for people to walk the trails, have family picnics, or special events.
“Yeah, I’ve been here a time or two. I remember coming here once with my parents and flying kites when I was little.”
“There’s something special that happens every Saturday in the park.”
Grayson pulls his car into a parking spot and my eyes widen at the sight in front of me. There’s a booth with a canopy and next to it, a colorful red, orange, yellow, and white hot air balloon tethered to the ground. The operator is moving a lever, blowing flames, preparing the balloon for takeoff.
“Is this the surprise?”
His smile is wide in reaction to my excitement. “It is.”
“Oh my God, Grayson, this is awesome! You’re taking me on a hot air balloon ride!”
“Come on, Princess. Your carriage awaits you.”
Dashing out of his car, I run to him and jump, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Thank you!”
His breath escapes him, and then he laughs and runs his hands over my hair and back. “This is the smile I hoped to see on your birthday. I had a feeling you’d love this.”
Taking my hand in his, he leads me to the booth, gives his name and our ID’s, then we’re escorted to the balloon where he hoists me over the basket before joining me.
Marshall, an older man with a full beard and contagious smile, gives us the run down on the do-and-don’ts, then gives the ok to his assistant to release the ropes. They’re pulled inside and then we’re off.
Peering out at the landscape, I stand inside Grayson’s arms and it feels perfect. His body is warm and his cologne is drifting in the breeze, a fragrance that’s both masculine and tantalizing. For this time, it’s just him and me up here without the problems of life below.
The way he’s holding me, caressing my arm with his thumb, tells me what he struggles to say with words. I know he cares a lot for me to plan something like this, to take care of me last night, and ensure I have a great birthday. I can’t expect a man who hasn’t given his heart to a woman in fifteen years to suddenly give it willingly, without difficulty. I get it, he’s a man who needs baby steps, and I’m willing to be patient. I have to be because I can’t imagine a future without him.
Turning in his arms, I place my lips on his and thank him with all the emotion swimming through my body. His hand lowers to my ass and grips me tight against him. I feel him stretching against my thigh and he pulls back from our heated kiss.
The gentle touch of his hand grazes my jaw before thumbing my swollen lips. Staring at me with his penetrating blue-green eyes, I can see his fiery need beneath them. The desire between us is palpable. Our bodies arch toward one another, craving the contact. Forehead to forehead, his lips are a whispered breath from mine. “What are you doing to me?”
“It’s what you’re doing to me.”
Warm lips greet me in a sensual embrace. The sweep of his tongue strokes across mine, teasing me like a wicked lure.