Page 500 of Deep Pockets

“That’s even better.”

With it being my birthday week, I thought I’d be giddier now that it’s Friday, but actually I’m exhausted. This week has been insanely busy; the last several manuscripts I sent to publishers have all been turned down, my mother has been texting me to call her, and I’m dreading having that conversation, and on top of it all, Grayson has been getting grumpier as the week progressed. I think we’re both ready for a stiff drink and I’m particularly ready for his stiff cock.

After shutting down my computer, I lean in and smell the white roses from this week and then close my office door behind me. When I enter Grayson’s office he’s in full concentration mode, typing away. It’s not until I set my purse down on the chair and move to his side of the desk that his attention transitions to me.

Reaching out, he pulls me into his lap. “You’re a sight for sore eyes.”

When I kiss him, I don’t sense his usual calm, confident demeanor. He seems tense.

“It’s been a rough week for you too, huh?”

“It has and I’m not thrilled about this dinner with Arnold.” His finger plays with the button of my blouse, threatening to pop it open. “I’d rather be taking you home with me and getting started on spoiling you all weekend for your birthday.”

While running my fingers through his hair, I give a little tug and he bites his lip. That reaction of his is my weakness. I get wet just watching it. Lowering my hand, I place it over his pants and caress him. He lets out a gratified breath. “I’m sure the spoiling will commence immediately after dinner, until then, I’d like to spoil you a little.”

With a flick of his finger, my button is unfastened and he’s opening my blouse for a better view of my breasts. “I haven’t had you since Monday, Princess. That’s too damn long.”

Sliding out of his arm, I squat on my knees in front of him and he watches me with interest in his eyes. “I agree. It’s been far too long.” Unzipping his pants, I release his erection. He leans his head back on the chair as I lower my mouth onto him.

His hand winds in my hair and he moans a satisfied breath as I suck harder and take more of him. “Damn, Emma, this is what I needed.”

Grayson leans forward and tightens his grip on my hair when I hum with my sucking. “You dirty little Princess.”

Gathering more of my hair in his hand, he moves it so he can watch me. Seeing the desire in his eyes and the satisfaction on his face heightens my own arousal. I reach down between my legs and low hiss escapes him. “You need me, don’t you?”

“Mm, hmm,” I mumble.

Using my hair, he pulls me off him, lifts me onto his desk, shoves my skirt up my legs, and thrusts into me. His kiss smothers my cry of satisfaction.

The desk rocks as he slams into me, his hips thrusting in unison with mine. My ass sticks to paperwork and I slide across the surface as cries and moans spill from my lips. His tight grip in my hair adds to the pleasure he’s creating between my legs.

“Don’t stop,” I cry out.

“Not going to, Princess. Not until you come for me.”

The slick sound of us coming together is drowned out by my release. As I clench around him, he lets out his own satisfied groan.

Touching his sweat-beaded forehead to mine, his breath feathers my lips. “You make everything better.”

“So do you.” The way he’s looking at me now has me completely smitten. Those I love you words are starting to creep into my mind, but I’m hesitant to say them. It doesn’t feel like the right time.

“You sure you don’t want to skip this dinner and let me take you to my place and draw a bath for you?”

“Oh, you know how to tempt me, Grayson Cole. It’s too late to cancel, but I’m holding you to that bath. I want it after dinner.”

He pulls out from me and I whimper.

Leering at me, he tucks himself back into his pants. “That sound you make every time I pull out makes me want to fuck you all over again.”

The corner of my mouth curls into a lascivious grin. “Please do.”

His knuckle swipes under my chin, slightly lifting my gaze. “You are my dirty little Princess, aren’t you?”

“That I am.”

Grayson helps me down from his desk and tugs on my skirt. “I’ll be at your place at six to pick you up.”

“I’ll be ready.”