Page 498 of Deep Pockets

With a pouty lip, she frowns. “You weren’t?”

I rub her leg, soothing her worry. “Not because of you. You found someone to hang with and get to know. It made me miss Grayson. I didn’t want to hang out with anyone else.”

“I get it. Honestly. I’m envious you have a guy so smitten with you. Are you two leaving?”

“I think so.” I glance at Grayson and redhead. They seem to be chumming it up pretty well, but when Grayson’s eyes catch mine I know what he’s thinking. I’m thinking it too—us at his place—alone. I turn my attention back to Megan. “You ok with that? Or do you want us to stay?”

She glances at red, then back at me and grins. “I’m good. I think I’m gonna have a long night with Jordan.”

I reach around and hug her. “Be careful and if you need anything, call or text and I’ll come get you, no matter where you are.”

“I know you will. Have fun with your Boss boyfriend. I want to hear all the details later.” She winks and it draws a smile from my lips.

“Bye, babe.” I stand and Grayson says his goodbye to Jordan, then puts his arm around my back as we leave.

Chapter Seventeen


The rest of the weekend with Grayson was incredible and it makes up for the three dozen emails waiting for me on Monday. Cringing at the sight of them, I call Lisa.

“Lisa, do you have any idea why I have at least two dozen submissions in my email?”

“Oh shoot! I’m so sorry. I uploaded Schmidt and Costello on a new agency site and I must have added your email instead of mine. I’ll get that fixed right away. Do you mind sending me all those submissions so I can go through them for you?”

I let out a breath. “Yeah, it’ll take me a bit to go through and forward each one. Thanks for correcting that.”

“Of course. Sorry about that.”

“It’s all right.”

I hang up and begin the process of sorting through and forwarding the emails. A knock on my office door pulls me from my concentration.

“Miss Williams?”

I turn my gaze and I’m startled to see Arnold Cole standing in my office looking dapper in his navy suit and shiny, peppered hair.

“Mr. Cole.” I immediately stand. “What can I do for you?”

“It seems my son won’t do me the honors of asking you to dinner with us, so I had to stop in here myself.”


His lip curls and I recognize that smile. It’s Grayson’s. “Your birthday is this week, is it not?”

“Grayson told you?” I’m completely surprised by this.

“Not exactly. When he declined to have dinner with me this Friday I asked him why and he said he was busy…with you, Miss Williams. So I had my secretary do a little digging and she easily discovered that your birthday is the day after. I thought it would be worthwhile to get to know the woman my son seems to have such a significant interest in.”

I think it’s far more than a significant interest at this point, but I have no desire to be childish with this man and squabble over terms.

“Sure, dinner sounds lovely.”

He nods, clearly pleased. “We’ll go to Bellini’s Fine Italian. Seven o’clock.”


“Would you mind keeping this between you and me for now? My son might try to talk you out of it and I would be terribly disappointed.”