Page 491 of Deep Pockets

How anxious?

Enough that I’m stealing work time thinking about you. ;)

The corner of my mouth lifts. This woman.

I enjoyed the pics you sent me last night. It gave me something to look forward to.

Liked them, did you?

I thought about how much I’d like to take that lingerie off you and put my mouth there instead.

I think we can arrange that. ;)

The attendant’s voice crackles, then bellows from the speakers, announcing the plane will start boarding soon.

Got to go, Princess. Keep those thoughts going for me.

As soon as the plane lands, I gather my luggage and head home for a shower and a fresh suit. I plan to take Emma to Aqua again, before heading to her apartment to gather some of her things. I fully intend on keeping her at my condo this entire weekend. We have time to make up for.

While taking the elevator down to the garage, my mood has already lightened. The nagging headache that had been gnawing at my skull all week has dissipated.

The drive to the office takes far too long. I’m relieved when I arrive and quickly take the first spot I find in the parking garage. I walk down the block to the jeweler I called yesterday morning. As soon as I enter, I’m greeted by charming smiles.

I approach the nearest employee. “I’m Mr. Cole. I have an order I need to pick up.”

“Of course. I’ll have it to you momentarily.”

The tall, young man in a blue suit similar to mine, walks to a door and disappears. He returns quickly, carrying a small, flat, red box. He opens it and displays it for me to see. I ordered the diamond and sapphire bracelet without having seen it. In person, it’s more attractive than I expected. Satisfied, I smile and nod. “It’s perfect.”

The young man flashes a toothy grin and places it in a bag. “May I see the credit card you’d like to pay with, as well as your ID?”

“No bag is necessary,” I reply as I remove my wallet from my pocket.

Payment and signature are completed and I ask for a gold bow for the box. The jeweler wraps it and hands the box to me.

Now I’m ready to see her. I tuck the box into the inside of my jacket and walk to the office.

The elevator dings as it arrives at our office floor and I enter the darkened lobby. No one is left save for one light. The light to Emma’s office. A smile tilts my lips as I head to her door.


I’m rushing to get these last few emails sent, so I can get home and get ready for dinner with Grayson. The sound of my office door opening startles me. I abruptly turn my chair to see who it is and shock overwhelms me. “Grayson.”

“Hi, Princess. I got home early and wanted to surprise you.”

I rush to him and he wraps his arms around me, then places two fingers beneath my chin and raises it. There’s emotion in his eyes and I wonder if he’s feeling even an inkling of what I am right now. I’m beyond thrilled to see him.

“I missed you.”

His words are an arrow to my heart. Inside I’m waving the mercy flag. I surrender. Fucking take me now. Not waiting for a response, he claims my lips. The heat in his kiss weakens my knees. His grip tightens, holding me steady.

“I want to treat you to dinner and take you back to my place, but I don’t think I can wait a moment longer to be inside you.”

My hands hastily reach for the buttons of his jacket. “Then don’t waste any more time.” My lips crash into his as my fingers tuck under his jacket collar and slide it off his shoulders. The weight of the jacket leaves my hand as I toss it into the nearby chair.

With his seductive gaze set on me, he takes hold of my waist and backs me to the desk. Reaching around me, he presses the mute button. I laugh and he smothers my giggle with his smoldering kiss.

His lips burn like cinders across my neck as his hand touches my leg and traipses slowly up my thigh.