With my nerves making me clumsy, I smack the Sangria glass with my wrist as I pull back my hand. It topples over, clinks on the counter and the remaining bit of my drink pours out and onto Grayson.
“Shit!” I screech.
Grayson jolts from his stool as the cool liquid lands on his pants.
“Oh my God! I’m so sorry!”
Grabbing a wad of napkins, I pat at his pants and then stop as my cheeks burn red. I’ve just repeatedly smacked Grayson in the crotch and he’s looking at me like I’ve lost my mind.
“It was an accident. I’m so sorry.”
Grayson takes my wrist in his hand, removing the napkins. “It’s okay, Emma.”
“I’m gonna go. I’m so sorry. Send me the dry-cleaning bill. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I rush out of the bar as fast as my heels will let my feet go.
As I lay on my bed, the palms of my hands are covering my face, as if it will diminish my embarrassment from dumping my drink all over Grayson’s lap. Megan giggles in the background as she searches through my clothes. I don’t even want to go out, but she’s insisting we have dinner and drinks at this new comedy club she’s been wanting to check out.
“Was it actually that bad? I mean, did you at least get to feel what he’s packing?”
“No, I didn’t even get that opportunity. I was too busy being horrified as I smacked the shit out of his crotch.”
Meg’s hysterical laughter echoes from my closet. “You’re batting two to nothing with this guy. Twice now, you’ve embarrassed yourself by putting fluids on his clothing and not even the good kind.”
She walks out of my closet carrying a fitted, black dress, with thick straps and black lace over the skirt part of the dress. “Here. I chose this.”
“Oh, I like that one. It’s one of my faves. I can wear it with my new, gold JS pumps.”
In her pink, long skirt with a slit up to her upper thigh, and her black blouse tucked in, Megan looks curvy and killer. She put curls in her short, black hair and it frames her round face, making her look even more adorable than usual.
“Put it on and let’s do your hair. We’ll make the outside of you look so fabulous you’ll forget how icky you feel on the inside.”
Taking the dress from her hand, I set it on the bed while I undress. After sliding into it, we head into my bathroom and I turn on the curling iron. While she helps me pick out makeup and I put loose curls in my hair, I listen to her talk about her day.
We’re finished, looking fabulous and about to walk out the door when a knock startles us. Reaching for the door, I open it and my jaw drops. Grayson is standing on the outside in dark, denim jeans, a maroon, long-sleeve sweater, and stylish black shoes. His hair is going every which way and he looks freshly showered. I can smell him from where I’m standing and his masculine scent is already making my thighs rub together.
“Emma.” His tone sounds surprised.
I’m equally taken aback to see him at my door. “How’d you find…never mind, you have my files.”
Looking at my dress, then shoes, he brings his attention back to my face. “I had to stop by the office to get the address, so I could bring you this.” Grayson raises his hand, and in it, is my credit card.
He must think I’m an absolute moron at this point.
“Thank you so much for bringing it by.” My cheeks are warm as I take it from his outstretched hand.
“I would have waited until tomorrow to give it back to you, but I had a feeling you might need it for dinner. I remember you said you like to have dinner out.”
Megs nudges my arm as butterflies flap around in my belly. I’m enamored with the fact he remembered that detail about me.
“Oh, Grayson this is my best friend, Megan. The one who was with me that night at Sin. Megan this is…” I pause. For some reason the words, my Boss, sound so impersonal and Grayson and I may not be anything special to each other, but whatever we are, it’s more than just a Boss and employee. “Grayson,” I finish.
He reaches out and Megan takes his hand to shake. “Pleasure to meet you, Megan. It’s nice to know someone so important to Emma.”
“Nice to meet you too.”
His attention settles back on me. There’s a spark of something in his eyes as he stares, admiring me. “You look gorgeous, Emma. Where are you headed?”