Uncontrollable laughter builds up in my gut and bursts out of my mouth. “You’re nuts.”
“And you love me still.”
I take the bag from her and smile. “That I do. Did you get the garlic knots too?”
Throwing her jacket over the couch, she looks over her shoulder and frowns. “You even have to ask?”
Closing the door behind us, I go into the kitchen and set out the containers on the counter. She grabs two plates from my cupboard and a bottle of wine from the small wooden rack set back against the wall beneath the cupboards. She waves the bottle of Pinot Grigio at me.
“Yeah, that one.”
With our plates full and our wine glasses topped off, we head into the living room. While I get cozy on the couch, Megan sets her food on the coffee table so she can look through the movies.
She pulls out two and holds them up in each hand. “So, which one is it gonna be? The Other Woman or How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days?”
I look at her and frown. “Really? It’s like my life in both titles.”
Megan bites her lip and fights back laughter. “So, your ex is an idiot. You’ll find someone better. Maybe it’s your Boss, who knows. Maybe it’s someone else. My advice to you is to give into all your desires, have fun, don’t hold back, and everything will work out the way it’s supposed to.”
“Damn, that’s some good advice, Megs.”
Popping open How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, she puts it in the DVD player. “Well, you know, I am a genius.”
Joining me on the couch, she takes her plate and dives into the spaghetti.
I glance at her and wink. “You think I should’ve given in to having sex with Grayson today? The truth is I don’t want to just be a sexual relationship for him. I like him. I see potential for something real. If I give into a sexual relationship behind the scenes, why would he ever want more? What if I develop serious feelings and think we’re more than we are? What if he starts seeing another woman?”
Megan slurps up a dangling noodle and her eyes widen. “Oh my God, Em, shut your brain off. You analyze way too much.”
My lip pouts. “I know I do. It’s probably why Derrick left me.”
Megan grabs my wine glass off the coffee table and hands it to me. “Drink it. I can’t take this self-deprecation anymore. You’re in a funk and you need to get out of it. If you like Grayson, then just tell him you do.”
After swallowing half the glass, I set it down and settle into my food and the movie. Maybe Megs is right, but why does the thought of telling Grayson I like him, completely terrify me? Probably because there’s a chance at the end of it, he’ll leave me too, and the wound from the last guy who did is still too fresh.
It’s Tuesday morning and I may have dressed a bit sexier than my usual work attire in turquoise, lace-up stiletto pumps, a yellow, fitted, knee-high skirt, and a bit more revealing cream blouse. Standing in Claire’s doorway, looking down, I admire my new pumps with her. We’re both shoe whores, who have designated space in our closets for all the different pairs we own. Between our love of shoes and books, we instantly connected.
Her words trail off when we hear a couple co-workers, Tracy and Alexa, giggling beneath their breath. The giggling stops and I turn to see just who I expect, Grayson entering the office looking dashing in his gray suit, coral button-down, a silver metal bracelet on the opposite wrist than his watch and stylish, pointed, black shoes. Ugh! Will I ever again look at his shoes without thinking about that night?
Grayson doesn’t make eye contact or say good morning to me like he does the others, but I know he’s noticed me. He glances, deadpans, then continues on to his office. Yeah, that stung a bit.
I look to Claire. “Shit, I think he’s upset.”
Claire fusses with the end of her ponytail and leans back in her chair. “Better smooth that out the first chance you get.”
I put a hand on the frame and lean back, peering at his office door. I almost slip and fall when he catches me looking and I try to pretend I wasn’t. A moment later I hear him call my name across the lobby area.
Claire giggles. “Someone’s in trouble. Maybe you’ll get a firm reprimand.”
Nibbling my lip, I roll my eyes at her and then gracefully walk to Grayson’s office. When I enter, he motions for me to close the door. Nervously I do, then take one of the black leather seats in front of his desk.
Grayson looks at me and as hard as his jaw is set, his eyes are still soft as they stare at me.
“I read your notes on She Likes It Hot. I also read the first three chapters. I agree with you, it’s a manuscript we can sell. I’d like to see what else you have. I want another three manuscripts by the end of the week.”
A little surprised by the ambitious request, my lips part, and my expression likely shows my surprise.
“You can handle that, can’t you? If not, I can see if Rachel is up for the challenge.”