Page 453 of Deep Pockets

Grayson smiles at me as I approach. “Rachel said she thought you weren’t coming, but I thought we better wait, just in case.”

I glance at Rachel, narrow my eyes, then smile at Grayson. “Thank you. That was very nice of you.”

Together as a group, we walk the block to Segarro’s. Rachel ensures she gets a seat next to Grayson. I take the one across from him. He looks to me. “What do you like to get here?”

“The Cuban sandwich.”

Grayson closes the menu. “Sounds perfect.”

The dark-haired waitress, wearing casual jeans and a pretty blouse, brings a tray with enough chips and salsa for all of us. “What would you like to drink?” she asks after placing them on our table.

We rattle off our drink and then lunch orders.

Grayson is watching me across the table and our eyes lock. He smiles warmly and I’m completely caught in his stunning gaze, remembering how incredible his lips felt when he kissed me. He nudges the salsa closer when I go to dip a chip and I smile. Rachel breaks our moment with her cutting voice.

“Grayson, what made you decide to work for the Schmidt and Costello Agency?”

Grayson’s attention switches to Rachel. “I enjoy reading and particularly enjoy the business of representing authors in getting their work published. I’ve had my eye on Schmidt and Costello for a while and received some inside information about Carl’s transfer. It felt like the right time to apply and make the move from a mid-size agency to a larger one.” Grayson returns his attention to me. “It worked out. I’m satisfied with my choice so far.”

Rachel eyes Grayson looking at me and snarls. I can’t help smiling triumphantly. The rest of lunch continues with everyone asking Grayson questions and him returning questions about our job duties, current projects and getting to know each of us personally.

When the checks come, Rachel snags Grayson’s. “We took you out today, so you’re not paying.”

Grayson gives a warm smile. It’s clear he appreciated the gesture. “That’s very nice of you.”

And Rachel goes for the win. She talks Grayson up the entire walk back. I linger behind staring at his incredible ass and grimacing at the sound of Rachel’s flirty laughter.

Claire elbows my arm. “Why don’t you go up and talk to him?”

“Mmm, I’d rather not look desperate. Seeing it on Rachel shows me how sad it looks.”

Claire burst out laughing and Grayson and Rachel glance back at us. I shrug with a mischievous grin on my face. Grayson smirks and Rachel narrows her eyes. It’s a good thing she doesn’t have disintegrating laser beams coming out of her eyes, like Cyclops, or I’d be split in two.

Back at the office, I close my door and bury myself in creating submission packets for publishers until Claire swings my door open, saying goodbye. “See ya, love. Don’t stay too long.”

I grumble something inaudible and she laughs and closes the door. Pulling up my author spreadsheets, I update the rejections and requests to read. Lost in my work, I don’t realize what time it is. Sometime later, my office door opens and glancing at the clock I see it’s five-thirty, an hour past my time off. I glance over my shoulder to find Grayson watching me. “Why are you still here?” he asks with a frown.

“Mm, don’t have anything to rush home to. At least here I’m doing something for someone.”

I lean back in my chair as he enters farther into my office.

“Why don’t you close up and we’ll go have a drink.”

I click my tongue against my cheek. “Remember how that went last time? It didn’t work out too well. I ended up chucking all over your shoes.”

Grayson laughs and the light, playful sound makes me smile.

“It was the most interesting first impression I’d ever seen.”

Rolling my eyes, I shut down my projects and turn off the computer. “Yeah, that makes me feel a lot better.”

Standing, I grab my purse and move toward him and my office door. He doesn’t move and now I’m standing inches from him. His beautiful eyes stare into mine and I see something in his that brings my latent lust back to the surface.

“Did you really drop your phone?”

“I did. I wanted to call you, truly.”

“I was disappointed when you didn’t.”