She dips a toe in. “Mmm.”
It’s a cool, crisp day—the kind tailor-made for a veranda hot tub.
“Go on. Get in. I’ll grab the beers.”
She narrows her eyes. “I thought you weren’t supposed to drink alcohol in these things.”
“Maybe you can look into making a citizen’s arrest later on,” I say.
She grins. “I think I will look into that.”
When I get back, she’s in there, eyes closed, head tipped back. I hand her the beer and sink in next to her.
“I should get Smuckers,” she says, sounding relaxed. “I really, really so should.”
“April can handle Smuckers,” I say. “Also, I don’t think Smuckers would be fun in a hot tub.”
“Not to mention how bad it would mess up his hairdo.”
I’m in my living room later on, waiting for Vicky to come out and weigh in on where to go to dinner. We’re planning on picking Carly up as soon as her rehearsal is done. We might even try to catch part of it. We did a lot of line running with her and Bess over the long weekend, and she had a great presence. I’m looking forward to seeing her in action. We make a plan to sneak in the back to catch the tail end of the rehearsal.
I grab my phone and I’m scrolling Instagram when the elevator doors open.
It’s Brett.
I stand, teeth gritted so hard I’m shocked they don’t break. I haven’t contacted him. I’m too angry.
“Dude,” he says, coming in.
“Dude?” I get in his face. “What the hell were you thinking? You knew who that was and you brought him in?”
“Of course I knew. But you’re the one who stole the show. That punch? Stroke of genius. The ultimate good cop move.”
“You bring him in?”
“We didn’t even need him. I just got off the phone with Malcomb. Her lawyer contacted him about terminology questions for papers for signing off ownership for a dollar. I underestimated the powers of the Henry Locke dick.”
“What are you talking about?”
“The company. She’s giving it back. For a dollar. And you’ll be happy to know that I smoothed everything over with Denny. We own a parcel of land up north that the Woodruffs want for something. Small price to pay for keeping him quiet about a dog and Vonda O’Neil on our board because please, that would be a disaster.”
My mind reels. She’s giving it back for a dollar?
“You deserve an Academy Award, brother. We don’t even need the competency hearing now.”
“That’s not—”
My words die out as his face drains of color. He’s looking over my shoulder.
“Competency hearing?”
I spin around and there she is, hair still wet, but she’s dressed. Except for the naked pain shining in her eyes.
Her voice shakes. “Competency hearing? Operation good cop?”
“It’s not what you think.” I go to her.
“Get away from me!” She pushes me. “All that was an act?”