“Holy shit. And Sword was happy with this?” Geez, I really didn’t have any idea what companies wanted. Mr. Ellington was right.
“No. Sword is pissed. Mr. Ellington did it without their permission. You got out just in time. He’s losing it over here. He hasn’t said it, but I’m pretty sure we lost the account.”
I didn’t even know what to say.
“You were right, Bee. It was a stupid idea. Mr. Ellington realizes that now. He should have gone with yours. And I know he remembers. Bee, this could be the big break you’ve been looking for. He’s probably going to fire Jenkins over this. You may have just landed an advertising gig!”
“Oh my God. Are you serious?”
“He hasn’t said it, but it’s sure looking that way.”
I leaned against the wall outside of Mason’s apartment. “I did it?” I felt like I was in shock.
“You did it! Bee!”
I laughed into the receiver. I had kicked New York’s butt. I had found the most amazing guy and had finally landed my dream job. I didn’t hate New York anymore. I loved it. “I need to call Mason.”
“Yeah, yeah. Go call your boy. But tomorrow after you get your promotion, we’re all going out to celebrate. Besides, Marie and I need to get to know your new boyfriend better.”
“Deal.” I couldn’t stop smiling.
“Goodnight, Miss Ad Exec.”
“I love the sound of that. Goodnight Miss Ad Exec yourself.” I hung up the phone and immediately clicked on Mason’s name. There was no one else I’d rather share this news with. I felt like this was everything I had worked so hard on coming to light. Finally. I thought all New York did was take. But it was giving. I did have what it took to be here.
The ring on my phone seemed to echo. I pulled my phone away from my ear. Mason’s phone was ringing inside his apartment. I heard him curse inside. I knocked on the door again. “Mason?”
A second later the door opened. “Hey, baby. Sorry, I was taking a nap.” His hair was mussed up. But it didn’t look like it did in the morning after he slept on it. It looked like he had run his hands through it to make it look like he had just woken up.
“Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah.” He crossed his arms in front of his chest. “What’s up?”
What’s up? I had been spending every night at his place for the past few weeks. What did he think I was doing here? I tried to give him a heartwarming smile. “I heard you were telling people at your office that you had a new girlfriend.”
He laughed. “Who told you that?”
“Carter told Marie.”
“Yeah? Well, I didn’t say that.”
“Oh.” I bit my lip. What the hell was his problem? I needed to change the subject. “I have really good news.” The cheerfulness didn’t reach my voice. It sounded more likely a desperate plea for him to invite me in.
“Look, I’m not feeling very well. You should probably just head home. I’ll call you tomorrow if I’m feeling better.”
Hadn’t he just said he was feeling fine a second ago? All the jittery excitement I had while talking to Kendra on the phone had been squashed down. Now I just felt like I wanted to throw up. He was pushing me away. Why was he pushing me away? I shouldn’t have brought up the girlfriend thing. Of course he hadn’t said that. He hadn’t even said that to me. I took a step back. I didn’t want him to see how much his words affected me. How him rejecting me was more important than the fact that I was about to get my dream job. I was so pathetic.
“Yeah. Okay. Well, I hope you feel better. Sorry I disturbed you.”
“Not a big deal. See ya.” Mason put his hand on the door.
I turned around and walked away from his apartment. It felt like he had slapped me. I couldn’t even control the stupid angry tears that started to fall down my cheeks. Apparently he was not the one I should be sharing good news with. I wiped my eyes with my palms and silently cursed myself for making a sniffling noise with my nose.
I didn’t turn around. I didn’t need this right now. I should be out celebrating with my friends. But instead, there was a panicky feeling rising to my throat. The same feeling I had gotten when I thought Patrick might be cheating on me. The feeling that everything was slipping away. I didn’t like someone else having control of my emotions. I pressed the button by the elevator.
“Bee.” Mason grabbed my wrist.