Page 281 of Deep Pockets

She laughed as I ran my hands down to her hips.

“I hope you told her I wasn’t a serial killer?”

“I’m still not completely sure that you aren’t. But I did tell her all about you.”

I laughed. “Good things?”

“There aren’t any bad things to tell.” She smiled and put her hands on my shoulders.

“Does that mean that you are no longer scared of getting close to someone?”

“I’m terrified.”

I had expected her to laugh. Or deny it. But there was her answer. She was terrified of getting hurt again. I wasn’t going to hurt her. She wasn’t just some girl I was sleeping with. It didn’t matter that I was drunk the other night. What I had said was true. I was falling in love with her. And it didn’t even freak me out as much as I thought it would. It was just a fact. “I promise I’m not going anywhere.”

“Isn’t that what they all say?”

“Maybe. But I mean it.” I moved one of my hands to the side of her face. “I can’t even remember a time when I was this happy.”

She searched my face for a second and then smiled. “And here I just thought you wanted me for my body.”

“Well.” I grabbed her waist and spun her so that her back was pressed against the mattress and my torso was pinned against her.

She laughed as I pushed her shirt up, revealing a strip of her smooth skin.

“I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t a small part of it.” Her nipples were hard, showing clearly through her t-shirt. She made me feel like a horny teenager again. As if I had no control of my hormones. I wanted her all the time. I ran my fingers up her stomach, but she grabbed my wrist before I could wrap my hand around one of her perky tits.

“Please don’t break my heart, Mason.” Her face was suddenly serious. It almost looked like she expected me to kick her out of my apartment right after she said it. Like this was the final out. After this second I’d be crossing that line, I’d be hurting her.

But I was already two feet in. Breaking her heart meant not seeing her anymore. And that wasn’t something I was interested in. I liked waking up to her, and falling asleep with her head on my chest. The look she was giving me showed me that she was already in too. She was falling for me just as fast as I was falling for her. And maybe I was just as terrified as she was, not of the feeling, but of getting my heart broken.

I shifted my weight so that my face was right above hers. “Baby, I will never get enough of you.”

Chapter Fifty-Six


The office was abuzz this morning. Our first proposed advertisement for Sword Body Wash was going to be aired tonight and everyone was doing last minute preparations. And Mr. Ellington was beside himself with excitement. The FCC had disbanded yesterday with the announcement of the government shutdown. That had been the biggest worry with the sponsorship idea, that they’d cut the broadcast when Layla Torrez started measuring men’s penis sizes live on T.V. Now that wasn’t an issue. Apparently the C.E.O. of Sword Body Wash was just as excited. Hopefully they’d still blur everything out. The whole thing was ridiculous.

“I assume you’re staying for the viewing party tonight?” Kendra said and sat down on the edge of my desk.

“Even though it’s the stupidest marketing idea ever?”

Kendra laughed. “Don’t be bitter that Mr. Ellington didn’t go with your idea. We’ll all have a good laugh. It’ll be fun.”

“Does Layla Torrez even know what she has to do? She’ll probably walk off before they even tape the segment.”

“Apparently they never tell her what she’s guessing until she’s on the air. That way she can’t prepare.”

“I feel so bad for her.”

“Yeah, me too,” Kendra said. “But do you know who I don’t feel bad for?”

I peeled my eyes off the report I was writing and looked up at her face. She was smiling at me.


“Carter told Marie that Mason is going around the office talking to his buddies about his new girlfriend nonstop.”