James laughed. “Trust me, Rob is rarely ever right.”
The car pulled to a stop outside of Bee’s office building.
“Thanks for the ride. Tell Mr. and Mrs. Hunter I said hi.”
James laughed. “I will.”
“And if they still don’t want to meet Penny, tell them to go fuck themselves.”
“I might do that too.”
I laughed and stepped out of the car.
“Mason?” said James.
I leaned down before closing the door. “Yeah?”
“I think until life gives you something right, it’s hard to realize how wrong you’ve been.”
“I’m not you. And Bee isn’t Penny.”
“I know. You’ve got it easier than we did. You’re not going through a divorce and she’s not your student. Just think about it.”
“Yeah.” I tapped the top of the car. “Have fun at your parents’.” I closed the door and walked up to Bee’s office building. Until life gives you something right, it’s hard to realize how wrong you’ve been. There was nothing wrong with my life. But Bee did make it better. It had been a long time since I had something to look forward to.
Chapter Fifty-Two
I was the last one in the office tonight, as usual. I went through the document one last time. It was the final proposal for Sword Body Wash. Mr. Ellington had wanted an added clause in the pitch once he found out about the possible government shutdown. He wanted to make sure it was as provocative as possible, and the FCC disbanding would certainly let it be more provocative. The segment was airing on Tuesday. The government probably wouldn’t shut down by then anyway, so this was a complete waste of my time. But it didn’t matter, because I was done. I pressed send on the document.
I couldn’t have been more excited to see Mason. I pulled out my phone. Earlier I had texted him, asking if he’d rather meet up tomorrow instead. He was out with his friends. And I had monopolized him for the past few weeks. But I was hoping he’d say he wanted to spend time with me instead. I couldn’t get enough of him. It was hard to follow Kendra’s advice about being careful when I was feeling like this. Mason said he wanted to be the reason why I stayed in New York. I think he already was. It was crazy to feel like this after just a few weeks. Right?
I looked down at my phone. He had never texted me back. I couldn’t help but be a little disappointed. I had slept at his apartment every night for the past two weeks. He had a really nice place. But that wasn’t the reason why I always agreed to spend the night. It was nice having someone to kiss goodnight and wake up next to. It was strange how familiar it seemed, yet different at the same time. Patrick had never looked at me the way Mason did. And it wasn’t just that I wanted to stay, Mason usually insisted upon it. Like there was nothing he wanted more than to fall asleep with his arms wrapped around me. It didn’t matter what he said. Or what Kendra liked to warn me about. Mason was a good guy. And I was falling for him.
Tonight, though, I would go home to my cold apartment alone. I didn’t want to text him again. If he didn’t want to see me, I could survive one night on my own. It was so strange how something could become normal so quickly. I liked when he met me outside of my office. I liked how he grabbed my hand and hailed down a taxi for us to share. And even though I had just seen him this morning, I missed him.
I switched my computer monitor off. I had definitely gotten used to having something to look forward to after work. I grabbed my jacket.
I smiled and turned around. Mason was standing there smiling back at me. His hair was a little mussed up and the tie around his neck was loosened. He looked more relaxed than he usually did. I wasn’t sure if it was because he had been hanging out with his friends or if he had too much to drink. But he looked so handsome.
He closed the distance between us and leaned down and kissed me.
“I didn’t think you were coming,” I said.
He smiled and laid his jacket down on the back of my chair. “I wasn’t going to stand you up. Is there anyone else here?”
“No. I’m the last one. But I’m done now, if you want to go…”
“I have a better idea.” The way he was looking at me made my heart race. He kissed me again. I could taste the alcohol on his tongue. His hands drifted from my back to my ass.
“Mason.” I put my hand on his chest. “Are you drunk?”
“No.” He moved one of his hands to the side of my face. “I missed you. And I want you. God, I want you.”
“I missed you too.” I put my hands behind his neck. “But we should probably go home.”