He pulled out of me and collapsed next to me on the bed. “Fuck, Bee.” He ran his hands down his face.
“Does that mean I wasn’t disappointing?” I wasn’t sure why, but I felt like I needed his approval. I wanted him to have liked that as much as I did. He had been with so many women. How could I possibly compare to all of them?
Before he could respond, a loud beeping sounded through the apartment. I hadn’t noticed it before, but it smelled like something was burning.
“Oh, shit, the food.” Mason got up and sprinted out of the room naked, grabbing his boxers off the floor on the way.
Chapter Forty-Eight
I grabbed a collared shirt that was lying on the back of a chair in his bedroom and put it on. It smelled strongly of his cologne, which was now becoming my favorite smell. Women in T.V. shows and movies wore men’s dress shirts all the time and it always looked sexy. Hopefully I could pull it off. I ran my fingers through my hair and made my way out of his bedroom.
I had been so caught up in Mason earlier that I hadn’t even realized how amazing his apartment was. Everything was so clean and new looking. Basically the opposite of where I lived. I stopped at the end of the hallway and stared into his living room. I don’t know how my eyes hadn’t gravitated to the view before. I walked toward the far side of the living room. Instead of a wall, there was just a sheet of glass that looked out on Central Park and the city skyline around and behind it. The city was so bright. It almost looked like it was still decorated for Christmas. This Christmas was the first one I hadn’t gone home to celebrate. I had been so afraid that if I went, I’d never come back. I felt so small looking out at the city below. Any problems I had suddenly seemed insignificant. But maybe it wasn’t because I was looking out at the expanse of the city. Maybe it was because of the guy that I was with.
Mason wrapped his arms around me. “You look so much better in that than I do.”
I laughed and turned around. I clasped my hands behind his neck and looked up into his eyes. “Your view is amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen something so beautiful.”
“I prefer looking at you.”
“Then you don’t know what you’re missing.” I looked back over my shoulder.
He grabbed my chin and turned my face back up to his. “In answer to your earlier question, you were definitely not disappointing.” He leaned down and placed a soft kiss against my lips. “And you made me burn dinner.”
“I made you burn dinner?”
“Mhm. I happen to find you incredibly distracting.”
I laughed and peered over his shoulder. The living room was open to the kitchen. It had marble countertops and shiny stainless steel appliances. It would have looked like it was out of the pages of a magazine if whatever Mason had been cooking wasn’t sitting on the stove, completely black.
“Actually, all I’m really craving right now is ice cream,” I said.
“You want ice cream for dinner? What are you, five?”
“It just so happens that I crave chocolate after really good sex.” I unwound his arms from around me.
“So, this is probably the first time you’ve ever craved chocolate after sex then?”
Was he really looking for my stamp of approval too? He had to be kidding. Obviously that was the best sex I had ever had. If I was lucky, Patrick lasted five minutes. Mason and Patrick weren’t even on the same sex scale. I innocently shrugged my shoulders.
He leaned down and lifted me over his shoulder.
I laughed. “Mason, I’m capable of walking to the kitchen.” I reached down and slapped his ass.
“Yeah, we’re not going to the kitchen.” He pushed the bottom of my shirt up and kissed my bare ass as he carried me back toward the bedroom.
Chapter Forty-Nine
It hadn’t snowed since New Years, but it was so cold that there was still a white blanket of snow all over Central Park. Except for the path that I was currently running on. You couldn’t find perfectly white snow anywhere else in the city.
I ran across the small bridge where I would usually turn around and picked up my pace. I needed the fresh air and the extra exercise. I hadn’t felt quite right this morning. That tightness in my chest had returned. It was probably the fact that I had ice cream for dinner. I rounded a corner and sprinted up a set of steps.
Who was I kidding? It wasn’t the ice cream. It was her. We had fallen asleep on the couch watching this stupid old black and white movie. We had turned it on halfway through and Bee had tried to explain what was going on to me the whole time instead of just letting me watch it. We had spent the majority of the time laughing instead of paying attention. And it was perfect. It was better than the gala. And it was better than any fancy restaurant.
“Shit.” I stopped at the top of the steps and put my hands on my knees. The cold air felt like ice in my lungs. It didn’t matter how far I ran away from her. I couldn’t shake that feeling in my chest. I stood up and ran my hands through my hair. I had run to one of the corners of Central Park. Cars honking and speeding by somehow relaxed me. Normally on my runs I would think about work. Not women. I was normally good at compartmentalizing. It was different with Bee, though. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I’d have to start listening to music on my runs.