I bit my lip. When had I become one of those girls? I sat down on the edge of my bed. Mason made it seem like it wasn’t just about sex. If sex was all that he was after, then he would have just slept with a hooker or something. This was more. Last night was more. He seemed to care about me.
I looked down at my phone. Marie had texted me.
“I heard you scored tickets to the Silver Gala! Tell me everything!”
I smiled and wrote back. “Yes, Mason had tickets. It was really amazing.”
My phone started buzzing in my hand. I slid my finger across the screen. “Hi, Marie.”
“You are so lucky,” she said. “I would give my left arm to go to that event. Everyone who’s everyone goes to that thing.”
“It wasn’t that big of a deal. I didn’t even recognize anyone besides Mason.”
“Bee, it’s a huge deal. Do you even know how much tickets cost for that thing?”
“I don’t know. A lot? It was really fancy.”
“It’s $3,000 a plate. And not just anyone can attend. It’s crazy exclusive. Mason must have it bad for you.”
$3000 dollars a plate? The food was good, but it wasn’t that good. “Why would it be exclusive? It’s a charity thing. Wouldn’t anyone who donated be allowed to go?”
“Well, right. But it’s anyone who donates a ton of money. And I mean a ton. Way more than just the cost of the dinner.”
“Wow.” I looked down at the dress I was wearing. How much did it cost?
“So, did you meet anyone?” Marie asked.
“I met a few of Mason’s friends. And his brother.”
“Meeting the family already? That’s a big step.”
“Mhm.” My mind was wandering back to Mason’s parents. They weren’t speaking. My mom always used to tell me to find a boy who treated his mother right. That was how you could tell if they’d treat you well. If Mason wasn’t speaking to his mom, that probably wasn’t a great sign.
“Is everything okay with you?” Marie asked.
“Yeah, I just…” my voice trailed off as I looked down at his note again. What would Marie think of this invitation? I wasn’t going to ask. Because I had already decided to go. It felt like this was an opportunity of a lifetime. Even if it wasn’t going to be a lasting thing, I’d regret not going.
“You just what?” Marie said.
“It was weird. At the gala, I ran into Patrick.”
“How the hell did he get tickets? Did everyone have tickets to this thing except for me?”
I laughed. “I don’t know. I’m sure he didn’t buy them himself if they cost $3000.”
“Probably not. So what happened?”
“He was asking why I wasn’t willing to give him a second chance. And I got to say a lot of stuff that I wished I had said before. I think he might have been trying to get back together with me. But I said no. A few weeks ago, I probably would have said yes. It was different seeing him this time though. It was like I was actually seeing him for what he was.”
“Does that maybe have anything to do with the guy you were there with?”
I couldn’t help but smile. “Yes. Mason even comforted me afterward. He came back here and we talked and laughed all night.” And kissed a lot. “He’s such a sweet guy.”
“You sound surprised.”
“Oh, no. I mean, I don’t know. I can’t really picture Mason doing that. He seems so…macho. I feel like panties drop whenever he enters a room. I never would have thought someone would describe him as sweet.”